t h i r t e e n

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>> so wrong but it feels so right <<


I have to stop this... but I don't want to.

He continued kissing and began sucking on the sensitive skin of my neck. He moved his hand down to my hip and moved me closer to him. I didn't mean to but I let out a moan and quickly bit my lip.

I didn't want to enjoy this but I was and I was definitely afraid of letting this go too far. He's drunk and has no idea what he's doing plus do I really want this with him? He's been so cruel how could I want anything with him?

I moved my hands and let them intertwine with his curly locks. I began playing and gently tugging at his hair causing him to moan. I closed my eyes as he began rubbing circles on my hip with his thumb.

His smiled dropped and his eyes darkened.

He turned around, locking the door behind him before facing me again with a smirk plastered onto his face.

I felt weaker and weaker and I just laid there unable to move as he didn't stop.

All these images started coming back to me and my eyes shot open with fear. I felt my body begin to shake and tears forming in my eyes again. I looked down at Harry's position on me and as much as I didn't want to think about the past I couldn't help it.

Without thinking twice I push Harry's body back and he stumbled, landing on the bed. I watched him as he doesn't even try to get up because he quickly falls asleep. I covered my face with hands as tears are now freely streaming down my cheeks.

Why does this always come back to haunt me? Fuck!

I felt nothing but frustrated with myself. I know I can't change the past, I just wish it didn't affect me as much as it does.

It's not that I want to do this with Harry, he fucking kidnapped me, but I just wish I could go about life with having my past ruin every moment.

I slowly walked around the bed and watched Harry sleep while I hugged my fragile body tightly. I got a better hold of the blanket that was loosely hanging off my shoulder. For some reason began to feel guilt as I looked at him laying down. What are you doing to me?

Anxiety took over and my breathing was now ecstatic as I felt trapped in this room. I rushed to the balcony door and swiftly opened it letting the cool air hit me. I breathed in, closing my eyes and thankfully feeling more relaxed.

I walked closer to the railing and stared up at the night sky. There weren't many stars but if you looked closely enough you could make them out. I smiled as they reminded me of tiny diamonds like the ones on my mother's necklace.

8:46 a.m.

I woke up to the dim sunlight as it was rising in the sky. The sky was already a light shade of blue with yellow swirls coming from the sun. I rubbed my eyes as I tried to remember what happened last night. I looked around to realize that I was sitting in a chair on the balcony with the blanket over me. Harry!

I sprung up from the chair and bolted to the balcony door. Through the glass I could see that he was still asleep in the same position he was last night.

I carefully opened the door, trying not to wake him up. I stepped into the room unsure of what to do. Should I leave him there until he wakes up? Would he be mad when he wakes up? Gosh.

Before I could think any longer Harry started groaning and squirming around on the bed. I faced him as he rubbed his eyes and his head in pain. I couldn't even begin to imagine how hungover he must be.

He struggled to push himself from the bed but soon was able to sit up and look around the room in expected confusion. I stood frozen waiting for him to acknowledge me, scared of what he might say or do.

His emerald green eyes looked exhausted when they met mine. He seemed to be lost in thought as he didn't break eye contact with me and we both kept quiet. Even looking like a complete hungover mess he was still intimidating.

"Why am I in your room? What happened last night?" His voice was hoarse.

"You came home drunk, Mr. Styles. You told me to bring you into my room after I reminded you I'm not allowed in yours." I said delicately trying not to trigger him in anyway.

He looked down at his lap and nodded his head but it was almost unnoticeable. He said nothing more before standing up and leaving the room, shutting the door behind him. I stared at the door and my lips parted in surprise at the way he acted but at the same time, what was I expecting?

After Harry left my room I decided to tidy up the bed which was a mess and that's when Johanna barged into my room. I looked up terrified and put my hand over my heart.

"Johanna what's wrong?" I ask desperately.

"I should be asking you. I just arrived to see the vase shattered on the floor, are you okay?" There was worry and fear in her light blue eyes.

"Oh, no Johanna I'm fine. It's just that Harry came home drunk last night and he bumped into the vase... that's all." I reassured her.

She let out a breath of relief.

"Well at least you're okay, dear. But that boy never learns." She clicked her tongue. "Breakfast is almost ready though so you should start getting ready."

I gave her weak smile as she turned around walked out the room.

After my refreshing shower I put on a similar outfit to the one from the day before, black leggings with an oversized white t-shirt that I tied in the front so it wouldn't be too baggy. I made way downstairs to the kitchen, already engulfed in the aroma of delicious food.

Harry was finishing up his breakfast in the same chair as last time and didn't bother to look up. Johanna gave me a warm smile as she placed my plate down and I sat beginning to eat the pancakes with strawberries.

Harry stood up in silence ready to leave the kitchen and as he did so I dared to turn my head to look at him. Right before opening the kitchen door to exit, Harry glanced over his shoulder with knitted eyebrows only to look me up and down for a second before leaving just like that.

Throughout my breakfast I had a lovely conversation with Johanna about her favorite hobbies. She told me that she loved watching classic movies and we immediately bonded over that. We spent a good two hours just talking while I helped her around the house with some cleaning. I was so thankful that she was helping me get my mind off of things even though she didn't know she was.

"Oh dear, could you go into the living room and check if I left the house phone in there?"

I nodded my head with a smile as I walked out the kitchen and around the center table. As I was getting closer to the living I got distracted by a mysterious black car I had never seen before outside the house. I got closer to the window to get a better view. I noticed a figure in the car just looking straight ahead at the house but I couldn't make out their features.

Their car was parked outside the tree fence that bordered the property but within seconds that I noticed them they drove off, disappearing.

A/N :

ooo stranger in a mysterious car who could that be ??

hope y'all enjoyed this chapter even though it's currently 12:07 am ops.


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