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Jungkook: Seriously. When are you coming to the fight?

Hoseok: IDK when you die?

Jungkook: Hyung....come to the gym that's where the fight held.

Hoseok: Kk

This is Jeon Jungkook. A person who can't even keep is cool for one second and gets into fights and I happen to be involved with every single one. It's a pain in the butt, honestly.

I made my way towards the gym as fast as I can because you never know what funny crap is going to happen in the beginning. It's sometimes entertaining when you not the one fighting when you are. You feel like you want to die.

I made towards the gym to see three people there. Jungkook and Jimin also another guy I'm unfamiliar with.

Jungkook and Jimin are both alpha's but I'm not sure about the guy in the dark, blue hoodie.

"Yo!" Jungkook and me bro-hugged before facing our opponent. This is going to be hell "This your opponent" he showed me the guy in a blue hoodie. Well fuck.

Then the fight began. I threw a punch at the guy in the blue hoodie. He ducked down and uppercut me. I fell straight down onto the floor but bring myself back up. I saw dark, black eyes, it ran shivers down my spine. 

I stared deep into his eyes before I knew it. I was thrown onto the floor and pinned down. Blonde hair was in my sight. Ghostly white skin, dark black eyes, light blonde hair and cute lips. Then I realized, I shouldn't have fought him.

He's the most powerful alpha ever, no one dares to mess with him. He's known for his powerful skills and power also for his short temper. Everyone respects him, in order to be safe.

"Oh come on. Why are you so scared? I liked it when you were fierce and shouting curse words at me" he spoke chuckling darkly. His voice gave me goosebumps. So dark and deep.

I thought I said those curse words in my mind but I guess not. Fuck.

"Yah" I accidentally spoke at him and he laughed in amusement.

"You're interesting. I like you my omega" I felt my body melt under his voice.

I was petrified. Yoongi can kill you in the snap of his fingers if he wanted to. His eyes shined bright red before I knew it. He teeth went to my skin.

He laughed "haha. You seriously believe the rumour" he laughed more "those bastards" he said in a serious but scary tone.

"Yoongi kill him" I heard Jimin talking say as he keeps fighting with Jungkook. Yoongi smirked before grabbing my arm and leading me out of the gym before the teacher comes in.

"I won't hurt my omega. Not in a million years" he said. Hugging me tight.

He then led me back to school and disappear like someone doing one of Naruto tricks. I just shrugged my shoulder and went inside the cafeteria. Grabbing a bowl of noodles with water and kimichi. I went to the courtyard and sat down on one of the wooden tables. I began eating peacefully before Jungkook came sitting down next to me.

"What's uppppp" he sang
"Ain't no nobody like Jungkook~" I sang back.
"OK so you Gucci"
"Did you and taehyung switch souls?"
He burst out laughing smacking my thigh. Really hard. This muscle pig.

"Yah who said you could dare hurt my omega" I heard a dark voice and I immediately knew it was Yoongi. His voice kept giving shivers.

I still had noddle coming out of my mouth as I was frozen at the sound of his voice. Jungkook froze in absolute terror as everyone backed away from Yoongi. He eyed me sweetly with his gummy smile while he gave Jungkook his cold, terrifying stare.

"I-I'm so s-sorry Mr.Min" he bowed down stuttering before running off in distance. He sat down really close to me before giving a small but cute smile.

"Yah he's my best friend how dare you to do that!" I shouted at him for moving my best friend away from me.

He looked at me darkly before pinning me down on the bench. He stared into my coldly as I swallowed the food in my mouth.

"You are mine!" he shouted as his eyes fume up in anger. I felt weak as my wolf cried out.

He sighed before letting me go and holding my hand making me sit back up.

I bit my lip as I saw all the other people stare at me either jealousy or anger either way. I'm scared.


Rival's Love | Yoonseok FF ✔️ (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now