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Hoseok POV}

Another day...another second of my life. I honestly wanted to be alpha but they had to choose Min fricking Yoongi. Ugh... I wish I could be alpha, must be fun bullying us omegas. I just found out when I heard a teacher over talking the other day. Apparently, he was fighting against me for the for who's going to be the next alpha and he won. I almost cried because I became an omega.

"Whooooo! Hoseok the gay boy is getting Alpha Yoongi's heart" a boy shouted across the locker hall as I hang my head low in embarrassment. This bastard.

The guy was a normal wolf and knowing me. I don't care about place when someone pisses me off. That person was Kim Taehyung the younger brother of Park Jimin. Jimin is known for his angel-like-personality but the guy is pure evil. Taehyung or goes the name by V. Is the devil inside and out.

"I still see you gotten all F on all of your exams and your still cry like a baby if you lose in a video game" you pointed out at him as he fumed up in anger. Grabbing you by the collar.

"Say that again and I'll kill you gay boy" he spat devil venom on you.
"I think the person is getting killed is you, Taehyung" the smell of smoke filled my nostril as Taehyung instantly let me go and had the most petrified face I've ever seen.
I look towards the stench of the smoke and I saw Yoongi smoking. SMOKING. Is this guy for real?.

"I-I'm sorry Alpha Y-Yoongi" he stuttered, shaking.
He puffed out some smoke "Do not touch my omega or I'll kill you" he threatened as he pushed me towards my class, smiling "Go to your class now Sunshine".
I heard a faint whisper "Sunshine what the hell".

I smiled brightly entering my classroom sitting down in my seat. A few seconds later, I see Taehyung with bruises everywhere on his body and face. While Yoongi walked in like nothing happened. I slightly got pissed and slammed my fist against the table earning everyone's attention.

"Yah Min Yoongi. I didn't ask you to beat the poor guy up!" I shouted at him as he smiled "you could have just shouted at him idiot" I whispered turning my eyes to the floor

I heard footsteps go closer too me as I earned a smack on my face. Blood was rushing through my face as it left a large mark. I soon realized it was from the teacher.

"You do not speak that way to Alpha Yoongi! Apologize now!" He shouted as I earned another smack in the face but was blocked. Tears welled up from my eyes as I let out a small 'sorry'.

"How dare you hurt my omega. Only I can hurt him. No one dares lay a finger on my omega" he glared at his eyes slowly turned red. The teacher nodded, frantically. Yoongi kicked the guy where the sun doesn't shine before turning towards me.

I was scared of what he might do to me so I didn't dare look up. He lifted my chin up to look him in the eye. He arms were folded over the flat surface of my desk. His eyes soften as his smile slowly turned into a frown.

"Only I can hurt you Jagiya~" he smirked before sitting right behind me. My cheeks were now crimson red.

Finally, it came to my favourite lesson of the day, dance and sports. We first did dancing since it like a good stretch to our teacher. The teacher again chose our partners for the dance class. Just my luck, I ended up being with Min fricking Yoongi. I mentally face palmed myself before going up to the man laying down in the far left corner of the dance room.

"Hyung we need to dance together," I said shyly, not wanting to get hurt by the teacher again.

He smiled softly opening his eyes to meet yours. My knees felt weak as he got up and held my hand.

"I not a good dancer but I'll try" he smirked secretly but I noticed.

"Alright, class. We're going to do a sexy theme with the song 'Lights Down Low'" everyone went to there little practice room. Both of us went onto one and I grabbed my phone and put on Light down Low the first few minutes.

After 10 minutes, to think of a good dance. I and Yoongi already decided on our dance. We only have a limited amount of time to do a dance of the song. We only do 1 minute of the song.

After dance class it was sports, I was really good at badminton. I was given the title of the 'King of Badminton' at my last school. I and Yoongi are in separate teams and I'm going to kick his butt.

We had already started the game and me and Yoongi has already been throwing curse words and insults at each other. Yoongi has been noticing some girls are trying to get his attention so did I but failed, immensely.

I have already hit Yoongi in the face with the shuttlecock and we already have completely destroyed one already.

After for playing what seems 30 century's, my team has won. Yoongi was on the ground, dead. Breathing heavily as he had just run a marathon.

We looked at each other and burst out laughing. While laughing some girl pushed me down in the dirt on purpose and walked towards Yoongi and began flirting with his pale butt.

Yoongi just gave a poker face as the girls both left with tears in their eyes. I looked completely confused wondering 'what the hell had happened'. Yoongi picked me up and offered to help me with changing.

I blushed slightly, murmuring "pervert" as he threw his head back with a laugh.

Yoongi ended up helping me change and be squeaky clean.



Woah! Over 1000 word chapter. Haven't done that one in a long time. I didn't swear in this chapter. This story may not have sworn. I don't really know. Feel free to correct my grammar and spelling mistakes like I did when I was reading a Jikook fan fiction today. Anyways, how was this, did you like it. Anyways, don't be a shy reader. Comment down your thought and a vote. Thank you for reading.

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