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Yoongi felt his entire world came crashing down when he felt pain in his stomach, looking right he saw Hoseok tears, sobs and footsteps running away. Yoongi runs towards the door of the empty classroom, opening it and yelled for Hoseok to come back.

But Hoseok completely ignored him, running off into the distance.


He looked back at Hyung-Sik and saw his worried expression "YOONGI! Don't just stand there, get him" He yelled at Yoongi as Yoongi snapped out of his stance and made a run for it chasing after Hoseok. Looking everywhere for him, guessing where he'll be.

After 3 minutes of running around looking for his lover, the only place he least think were Hoseok would be at.

His dorm room.

*Present Time*

It was night time as Yoongi sat down onto the benches on the streets of Seoul. The only thing that could occupy him was the music blasting through his phone into his headphones. He was listening to a song he created himself, First Love. He was looking at the street lamps flickering, he can't believe Jin was serious about him sleeping outside.

He thought about what happened today, over and over again like a movie on repeat but you can't sleep because you have insomnia. Exactly, like that. He blames himself for every single that happened, he regrets what he did to Hoseok.

He suddenly heard a shuffling of papers and footsteps beside him. He looked over to see a giant none other, than Kim Namjoon. Namjoon smiled before sitting down next to him before letting out a breath he seemed to be holding. Holding onto the papers onto his hands, his hoodie felt down.

He smiled gently at him as his dimples shown. Yoongi couldn't help but sense warmth rush over him. Namjoon was like a brother to him, he was there for Jin and Yoongi when he'll take place. He never forgets the great deed Namjoon did, to protect and help them. They were older than him and should be doing that for him but it was the opposite. They wouldn't be the people they are now without Kim Namjoon.

That's why Yoongi owns Namjoon so much.

"I came looking here for you" Namjoon finally spoke, looking up towards the night sky. Yoongi smiled subconsciously as the aforementioned handed over him a plastic bag. Yoongi looked it before cracking a small smile.

"Thanks" Yoongi showed his gratefulness through his actions as he opened the small cup as it Tteokbboki (Korean Rice Cakes) and devoured it completely. It was still warm and delicious in the older's mouth as Namjoon smiled.

"I got an idea that you could use to cheer Hoseok up and make him your baby boy once again" Namjoon winked as Yoongi choked on his food as he looked at Namjoon with widened eyes before smacking him on the thigh.

"Shut up" Namjoon just laughed at Yoongi remark.

"This piece" Namjoon held up the paper he was holding "it was for Hoseok wasn't it" Namjoon smiled subconsciously as he could imagine Yoongi on a stage with a mic singing this to Hoseok.

"Who else would you think, I would write a fucking love song to" Yoongi rolled his eyes as he knew what Namjoon was planning. He couldn't lie that it was a bad plan, heck it was glorious.

"About you fucking the piano" Namjoon looked at him before they both burst out laughing. The silent streets were filled with the two laughing together.

"You thinking what I'm thinking" Yoongi smirks at him
"Well....lets fucking go, you slut"

"How am I a slut!" They both got up and began walking to where ever Namjoon was taking him. They are both laughing abnormally loud but did they care-no fucks were given.

"You are fucking Hoseok and piano same time, that's being a slut"
"I don't get your logic, Mr.IHAVEANIQOF148"
"I don't get your legs"

"How are your legs skinnier than most girls legs like the heck" Namjoon looked at his legs before smirking
"Fuck off" Yoongi retorted.

This was kinda a filler, I'm sorry

By the way, this fucking trash and thank you for the people who like this trash of a story

Blue hearts for you lilrosies

Rival's Love | Yoonseok FF ✔️ (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now