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Also, prepare tissues and sad ass music

You suddenly froze at the sound of a voice he never wanted to hear. The bully in fucking elementary school, the person who made him hate his nickname, hate his entire life, hated being bisexual. He had no one there because he was just 'an easy boy' everyone had called him. Memories came flashing back quicker than him fucking Hoseok with his eyes. Way too fast.

"Hyung-sik?" Yoongi put on his best, fake cocky bad boy act but he knew.

Words are just words, I use to hide my true self.
Now, I'm becoming a monster under this foolish mask.

"What's up Yoongi, nice to see you here, easy boy" Hyung-Sik mocked him as he trapped him under his gaze. Yoongi felt a wave of fucking anxiety and fear rush over him. He gulped the lump in his throat as he realised there's nothing to be afraid of. 

As you remember, you are the strongest alpha out there-I can just kick his fucking ass
Easy peasy

"What do you want, asshole" he spat venom with every word he meant. He hated Hyung-Sik with all his fucking heart. The way this barrier is up against him now, he won't and never go back to those days ever.

"Whoa, take it easy" Hyung-Sik laughed as he saw Yoongi finally grown up.  The thing is he had very, small feelings for Suga. He loved his imperfections but he knows, he let his chance slip through his fingers.
Like that

When you are a kid, a stupid one in fact.  You forget about others and only care about yourself. He hated himself for that, he bullied Yoongi because if he helped, he'll be the same as him. Weak and pathetic.

He wanted his reputation to be way up, he wanted to be perfect. He bullied Yoongi caused he cared about his reputation and his friends leaving him like the did to others and himself.

He fell for Yoongi's eyes, nose and lips and especially his love for the piano. God knows, how much Sik loved the piano. He had a reputation to keep so he had to loathe the piano when really it was beautiful and amazing in his eyes.

Today, was the day he was going to forgive for his mistakes and hopefully confess his feelings

"Let's Talk"

Hyung-Sik brought Yoongi into an empty classroom and then he began

"Yoongi...I was an asshole for bullying you back then. I only cared about myself and my reputation. You know being a king and the things I said about the piano, were untrue. I loved it and I'm super, duper sorry I broke yours and you also hurt you hard. I'm a fucking idiot! Please forgive me!"

Yoongi understood Hyung-sik more than he did with math. He knew Hyung-Sik was just a kid back there and Yoongi couldn't help but crack a small smile at his apology. He had a soft spot for people who genuinely admit their mistakes cause it makes them the bigger person though they think there aren't.  Yoongi nodded.

"Also....um...I, I loved your eyes, nose and lips and your love for the piano. I fell in love with you Min Yoongi. Please take as long as you want! Please accept my feelings though I know you probably hate me" Hyung-Sik bravely cried out at Yoongi which made Yoongi drop his non-existent cup of tea.

"I'm sorry but I can't accept your feelings. My beating heart is for someone else but I don't hate you. I think you are the bigger person for apologising and you seemed genuine. I forgive you"

Hyung-Sik looked at him and smiled widely before Yoongi decided to joke around a bit

"What do you want, a goodbye kiss?" Yoongi joked before Hyung-Sik placed his lips on Yoongi before removing them from his.

It was just a small peck. Yoongi smirked before jumping up "Sorry but I got baby boy waiting for me in the bed"

But little do they know, someone was watching the whole scene play out with tears streaming down his face....


You'll see why it's 10.5 and also I don't think this is sad enough so sorry for making you bring your tissues.

Rival's Love | Yoonseok FF ✔️ (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now