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"Jagiya~oh jagi" he breathed out as I collapsed in his arms and he held me. His eyes were a mixture of anger and happiness.

It was his presence that makes me fall into his arms, want him to hug me forever, kiss like it's our last, do things we shouldn't be doing. I want to experience everything with him. He makes me go crazy and I can't lie.

"The girl..." I stopped myself mid-sentence as Yoongi squeezed my hand in reassurance as I squeezed back too. His hands are white and soft. Brushing against mine, I felt my heart flutter and my heart skipped a beat.

"Shut up and-" his cheeks got a tint of pink of them as he stopped himself mid-sentence-wondering what he even said. I closed my mouth shut as he carried me bridal style to the nurse's office.

"Your fucking lucky, I felt great this morning because of you sunshine" he grunted as he stopped at the nurse's room "if you were someone else, you've been dead already" he panted as he placed me down on the bed before sitting down next to me.

"I know that"
"I said shut up sunshine"
"You should be harsher"
"What like" a small smirk crept up on his lips as he hovered above me.

I let out a small gasp as he smirked.

"Jagi~ since we're alone and you didn't obey me" he finger went on my lips "keep it down will yah"

My cheeks flushed crimson red as he faces inched towards me, his lips were now on my neck and before I knew it. I heard Yoongi laughing on the floor.

What a fucking tease!

I growled as the nurse came in and Yoongi quickly got up and flashed him gummy smile at me. The nurse looked genuinely shocked at what she just has seen, his smile melted my heart. I couldn't be mad at this fluff ball for goodness sake.

I got up and the nurse did her thing as Yoongi was chuckled and laughing silently whilst looking at my embarrassed face.


Sorry SORRY. I couldn't update this and make this longer. I'm busy.

Rival's Love | Yoonseok FF ✔️ (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now