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Namjoon and Yoongi have spent day and night in the music room of their school.  Yoongi was wanting to perfect everything about what he was going to do. Namjoon did take some breaks in between but Yoongi just kept going and going until he was happy.

Now, it was already morning were Namjoon and Yoongi woke up to the blinding sun peeking through the blinds. They both rubbed their eyes tiredly before he took out his phone to see his face and see what he needed to fix. It's been 5 days between Yoongi and Hoseok's break up. Yoongi checked himself on his phone's camera and realised he had a dark eye, bags under his eyes.

"Namjoon...it's time" Yoongi muttered as Namjoon tiredly nodded and stood up, stretching. Yoongi yawned before stumbling to get up, using the wall for support.  Yoongi checked the time with the clock on the wall, it was 8:15 am, Yoongi was surprised that no one came in here.

Namjoon needed to convince Jin to let his younger brother out of his cocoon aka his room. Namjoon will lead Yoongi into the main hall as the teacher would pretend it's a real assembly when Yoongi suddenly disturbed the assembly and began playing the piano and singing his song 'First Love'.

Namjoon POV~

Namjoon walked towards his shared room with Jin and Yoong, he knocked on the door quietly before he saw his lovers empty eyes. He entered as Jin cuddled with Hoseok on the bed. He saw that Hoseok's eyes were red and puffy and his bright smile was replaced with a frown and quivering lips.

"Jin...come here" Namjoon led Jin out the door and told every word for word of  Yoongi's plan but Jin kept saying no until Namjoon for the first time in many years, yelled at him. Jin was surprised and looked down before Namjoon kissed him deeply in the hallways, not giving a care in the world who will see.

The kiss was soon broken, an awkward silence took place with Jin thinking deeply before giving the words Namjoon wanted to hear.


Namjoon has already scooped Jin in his arms and spin each other round before placing him on the ground again.

"Get to work, babe" Namjoon grinned before running off into the distance to Yoongi. His smile wouldn't leave his face as he was finally happy the couple would make up. They were a match made in heaven.

Yoongi POV~

"MIN YOONGI!!!!!!" a sudden weight was in his back as Yoongi jumped in terror by the loud sound. Namjoon jumped on Yoongi making them both fall onto the floor.

Yoongi cursed at Namjoon before getting up, he saw Namjoon's grin and smirked "it went well then". Namjoon nodded as his dimples full on displayed. Yoongi smiled before running into the main hall with Namjoon and hiding behind the piano. The piano already had a big sheets covering it so Yoongi could easily hide.

"Miss, were good to go" Namjoon quickly gave the signal as he ran back to his classroom texting Jin to hurry and bring Hoseok to the main hall. Namjoon's smile never left his face as he stood in the line with his classmates ready to go into the main hall.


Hoseok entered the main hall a little later than every one else and sat right on the front in the middle, Yoongi looked at his phone seeing Namjoon had texted him to give the surprise then he saw Namjoon give the teacher the signal.

The teacher and a few other staff members ran off stage and the lights shut off completely and the lights were now on him. He began playing the piano as the faint sound of his song began playing in the background.

Namjoon played as his background vocal in the audience with a mic in his hand, smiling at Jin who was next to him. Hoseok bit his lips as his eyes never left Yoongi's and just like that. Yoongi began singing.

-Play Media Above-

In a corner of my memory
There's a brown piano
A corner of my childhood home
There's a brown piano

I remember it then, It was much taller than me
The brown piano, I was enticed by it
I looked up and yearned for you
When I caressed it with my small fingers
"I feel so nice, mom I feel so nice"
I used to touch the keys whichever way my hand went
I didn't realize the meaning of you then
I was happy when I looked at you

I remember then, it was around when I was in elementary school
When my height had gotten a little taller than yours
I turned away from you who I used to adore
Your keys like white jade would collect dust
I didn't realize even then when you were neglected
Your significance, wherever I may be, you were always
There, but
I didn't know that was the end
Don't go like this, you say..

"I may leave but don't worry
You will be fine on your own
I remember when I first met you
You've already grown so much
This is the end of our relationship
But never be sorry to me
You will meet me again in some shape or form
Greet me happily then"

I remember then, what I had completely forgotten
I was about 14 years old when I came before you
I was awkward only for a moment, I caressed you again
Even though I was away for a long time, you received me
Without resistance
without you there's nothing
The early morning passes and we greet the morning together
Don't ever let go of my hand
I won't ever let go of yours

I remember the end of my teens
You burned it all together with me, it was a time when I couldn't see
An inch before me, I cried and laughed
Because I was together with you, even those moments
Are pleasant memories
I grabbed onto my shattered shoulder and said
I really can't go on
Whenever I wanted to give up
You said to me by my side
Bro, you can really make it
Yeah yeah, I remember how I was tired and wandering back then
When I was in a pit of despair
I pushed you away and resented that I met you
But you were always by my side even though I didn't say anything
So don't you ever let go of my hand
Because I will never again let go of yours
My birth and the end of my life
You will be the one to witness it all

In a corner of my memory
There's a brown piano
A corner of my childhood home
There's a brown piano

"I'm sorry Hoseok, my love. That kiss meant nothing but just a goodbye to the past" Yoongi played the last key as Namjoon clapped then everyone began clapping. Hoseok cried and cried and jumped onto the stage into Yoongi's arms as three words escaped their lips, full of love

"I love you"


Rival's Love | Yoonseok FF ✔️ (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now