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This is chapter is over 1000 word chapter for the success of over 100 reads on this book! Thank you for your support littleroses!
Yoongi's POV

Yoongi was un-reasonable giddy and smiling like a maniac after coming home from school into his dorm. After that hot make-out session with Hoseok, he wanted more of it. His wolf was begging for more. Yoongi prevented his wolf from going out any further and to take it slow.

The entire school were questioning why Yoongi was happy durning the entire day. Yoongi was know for his blank expressions and cold face. His voice held no emotions most of the time.

His roommates were surprised as well. Namjoon and Jin were his roommates. They were shocked and blessed at the same time because Yoongi wasn't bothered by Jin's constance nagging or Namjoon breaking stuff or even anything in general. Yoongi was too happy to be bothered by that even the thought of his lover was more important than anything.

"Yoongi, why do you seem happier than usual?" his hyung has questioned him, Jin. A small smirk spreads across Yoongi's face before his sat up opening his legs wide placing his palms flat on the bed on each side of his body.

 A small smirk spreads across Yoongi's face before his sat up opening his legs wide placing his palms flat on the bed on each side of his body

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"Ohh it's just nothing" Yoongi smiles happily,looking up at the ceiling avoiding Jin's suspicious gaze. Yoongi wanted to keep his and his sunshine's relationship a secret for now and knowing Jin can't keep a secret.

"Oh really" Jin replied back obviously not believing Yoongi's words for a bit. Jin knew Suga and Namjoon for a long time, they had been with each other through thick and thin and barely had any fights. Jin knew them too well to be fooled by there awful lying skills.

"It's it that Hoseok guy again" Namjoon said taking off his headphones and placing it on his desk, taking his eyes of his text books.

"Nah why would it be him anyways" Yoongi tried to cover the truth with this remark, it hurts. Yoongi wants the whole world to know Hoseok belongs to him and him only.

"You literally called him 'Jagi~' durning class Suga" Namjoon mocked Suga's voice when he said 'Jagi' to Hoseok. Yoongi knew Namjoon was being a smart ass now because he called him , his most hated nickname 'Suga'.

He wondered how he even thought to have a nickname like that until Highschool. He's not sweet, he's a bad boy. That's how Yoongi viewed of himself. A bad boy. A sexy bad boy.

"Oh for fucks sake RM, stop being a smart ass" Yoongi was slightly joking around and slightly pissed Namjoon was a smarties pants, these boys knew him too well.

"BINGO BITCH!" Namjoon cheered in victory, smacking his fist against his desk causing him to drop his coffee on the floor.


Yes people, Jin and RM are dating. There were the best gay couple in the school and people tried to be like them if only they knew what happens outside there public life....

Namjoon quickly cleaned up the mess he made on the wooden floor of our bedroom and went back to talking about Yoongi.

"So Suga, your actually dating Hoseok?" Jin questioned, Suga nodded shyly at the thought of what happened today with him and his sunshine.

"A rumour is going around school that Hoseok pushed Yoongi into an empty room and they had sex in that room cause they heard moans" RM read out from on of the students from our school Twitter. RM eyes narrowed at Suga's questioning if it was true or not.

"Wellll...." Suga dragged on turning his gaze towards his bedroom ceiling.
"Spill" Jin asked sitting down on his desk chair coming closer to Suga as well as Namjoon.

The rest of the day was Suga explaining his and Hoseok love story and what happened in that room which caused Jin to be like a proud mom as Namjoon eating invisible
popcorn like a kid watching an intense fight scene.

"Wells kids that's what happened now go to sleep and don't ask me to read you bedtime stories" Yoongi despised it when Jin and RM acted like little children and asked there father, who was apparently Yoongi, to read a bedtime story just to piss him off more than he already was.

RM and Jin snuggled up against each other at the a the there shared bed and dozed off to sleep which Yoongi had already done seconds ago.

Hoseok POV

Hoseok felt a sudden surf of guilt erupting his whole body after he 'confessed' to Yoongi. He hated himself how he only wanted him because of his body, not his heart. Hoseok couldn't even bear to call Yoongi his mate, it was too much hatred for himself.

Hoseok was crying himself to sleep, his roommates barely noticing his cries and the sadness in his eyes even his own dear best friend didn't notice. Hoseok felt blessed that they didn't notice they don't need any more problems in their life. Hoseok wants to drown his sorrows away with alcohol which he exactly did that night.

But Yoongi just kept crawling back into his mind that he eventually gave up and hiding away all the bottles underneath his roommate's bed and using air refresher to get rid of the smell of alcohol, filling up the room.

Hoseok looked up at the ceiling from his bed as he thought what a crime he committed to Yoongi's heart. He knew he would never forgive him never matter what. No matter how many gifts he gave, no matter how many kisses he gave, no matter how many compliments he gave, no matter how much of his heart or how much he was sorry for what he did. He would never be forgiven, Hoseok knew that too well. Tears rolled down his beautiful chubby cheeks, not being bothered to wipe them away.

Cause it was all fake love

To be continued...
WOOOO! Another BTS fake love reference I used here. How did you enjoy this chapter did you enjoy it cause I hope you did!

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