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-Hoseok's POV-

Taehyung had suddenly burst into the classroom whilst the teacher was teaching causing everyone to jump at the sound of his loud, voice and the door slamming against the wall causing a little dent.

"KIM TAEHYUNG! What do you think bursting inside my classroom especially in the middle of teaching?" the teacher, yelled at Taehyung or he calls himself 'V'. Stupid nickname, Hoseok think but then again he has no right to judge of what the weird boy does and does not do.

"You teaching ain't even that good, bruh" Taehyung, fired back at the teacher before marching his way towards me then slamming his hand down on my desk. Making me, shot up and now fully awake. You can't lie that what Taehyung said to the teacher wasn't true. His class was boring that I think he didn't even know how to teach.

"Yoongi pissed" he looked at me with a look in his eyes. He was dead serious.
"What?" I let out almost audible
"Yoongi knows Hoseok! He knows about this fake-"
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!" My voice suddenly got louder at the last word, I said.

"You dumbass, go to him before hell break loses" without a second I dashed out of that boring ass classroom towards Yoongi's now minty scent. People always said, that his scent changes when he's angry, that it smells like mint.

My eyes finally found Yoongi, across the hall. I ran towards him stopping before I got too close to him. He looked at me and suddenly all my remaining strength faded away. My heart was now vulnerable. Something about his scent, it smelled amazing. The dominating look in eyes, made me be submissive.

He grabbed my waist and threw me over his shoulder. Ignoring the fact his short, slender body was carrying you who probably weighed more than him, was carrying you over his shoulder. I tried to get out of his grasp but then suddenly remained silent and submissive. A stingy, aching pain in my right butt cheek had me shut up completely. He spanked me.

I didn't know where he was taking me neither did I care. He could step over me and I would still say 'thank you' that how much control he has over me. I was thrown into the back seat of a car and blindfolded by a silk fabric and a rope tied my wrist. I didn't utter a word neither did Yoongi.

I heard the engine start and we took off after 10 minutes, I felt the need to talk because I'm Hoseok and I'm the sunshine who can never shut his mouth.

"So where you're taking me, ur daddy?" I said hesitantly as I heard him growl making me whimper in fear.
"Call me that again Hoseok, I won't hesitate to chock you" Yoongi growled grabbing Hoseok neck and slightly squeezing him "also don't talk unless I tell you to. So keep that slutty mouth shut" his commanded pushing my head back making my back hit the seats.


Daddy is not Yoongi's kink, can you guess what it is?

Rival's Love | Yoonseok FF ✔️ (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now