XLII: final goodbye

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"Alright, take your fucking cat with you too." Ross took the cat, interrupting its slumber. The cat yawned. 

As they both jumped out the van, before Jack could drive away, he calls out to her. "Hey." she turns swiftly, her  hair gliding with the breeze of dawn. "Thanks." she gave him a puzzled look.

"For what exactly?" she says in an exasperated tone. She rolls his eyes. 

"For.. everything. You know? All of this. And... back then.." he tried his best not o make eye contact, but her stare burned into him. She let out a chuckle. 
"Hey." she called. He looked in her eyes. "You are welcome my dude." they burst into laughter, clearing the awkward air. "You wont see me in awhile. By that, I mean probably a couple fucking years. Unless something of the unexpected happens. Which, probs wont happen. You gonna miss me?" he cooed in a playful annoying tone. She rolled her eyes. "Oh fuck off." 

Ross stood in the background awkwardly, holding the cat in his arms as he pretended to not hear their conversation.

"What are you gonna do Laura?"


"This life of yours.... How are you gonna make it... yours..?" she didn't respond.

"That kid. What...Are you even doing Laur? Get your head together. Are you guys.. A thing? Or what-" Laura shot him a glare. "Don't stick your head in my business."

"I just... hope you know what your doing." she nods, slowly. "Yeah. I know exactly what i'm doing."

"Alright then." he put his hands up in defense. "I'll send you and the kid money through my bank account tomorrow. Technically today. Hey kid." he calls Ross out. Ross looked at him.

"Sorry for beating you up. Let this be a lesson for you. Don't throw fucking rocks at peoples heads. Got that? Little shit." Ross nodded in response. "Yeah yeah."


"Thanks again." he puts out his two finger and waves them, and driving off into the distance. Laura looked up at the sky. It was almost morning. "Ross, have you been out all this time? Since before 2 AM?"


"Gosh, you must be really tired. But man. Sunrise is always really nice to look at." she smiled. Ross looked towards where her eyes directed, examining the supposed amazing view.

"Hm. Is it?"

"Yeah. Sunsets are really nice too. The really beautiful mixture of the colors and- oh."


"Sorry Ross. I.. almost forgot."

"Nah. Its fine it happens all the time. Can we go inside now. My body is aching, the drugs are still in my bloodstream, and i'm extremely exhausted." he walked towards the doorstep of his home.

"Yeah. Sorry. You are so lucky your mom is always on business trip. You would be so fucked."

"Yeah. Lucky..."

They open the door to see.. no one home. As usual.
Laura flickers the lights on, walking over to the fridge. "Man, is there any alcohol in this fridge? I'm fucking thirsty." 

The cat wonders off around the house, looking for a place to sleep.

"Drink water, you drunkard." Ross falls into the couch, melting into the firmness of the fabric that lays under him. "Ugh... I don't want water, I want some fucking beer after tonight!"

"No. Didn't we have an agreement?" he tiredly yawns. "No alcohol consumption, and no smoking. We're trying to stop.. your addiction."

She groaned. "You are trying to kill me."

"Quite the opposite actually."

"Oh just shut up." she walks over to him very sluggishly from the kitchen, falling on top of him. "What are you doing." he says tiredly. "Just chilling."


And with that, they slept soundly on the couch, both smelt like shit after a shitty yet thrilling night. They cuddled against each other, drifting off into a peaceful sleep.


short chapter alert beep beep Or are they normally this length idk

I feel like 500+ is an average/decent chapter and 700+ is pretty fucking lit
1000+ is a treat/REALLY good  2000+ overly long (but good as long as readers enjoy cause ive read books with that amount of words i just cant decipher how they can get away with writing that much in each chapter)  lmao anything above that goes in the same categorY

but it can depend on what kind of book and what format it is, like it can be those 1 sentence books per chaper which is how they tell the story u know



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