the big ross theory :XVI

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Ross' palms we're sweaty this nervous. Today he was going to present his English project. He remembers the last thing his English teacher said to him. 

"I have faith in you, Ross."

He sighs, rubbing his fingers against his temples. How could possibly have faith in him when he cant even have faith for himself? Ross closed his eyes, as his mother put a plate in front of him. She looked at him. 

"Whats wrong Ross?" she asks, putting a hand on his shoulder. He looks up at his mother who was giving him a worried look. "Nothing. I'm fine mom." he assures her.

"Jesi li siguran?" (You sure?)

Ross nods. "Da."(Yes.)

She smiles and nods, as she kissed his forehead. "Well, eat up." she ruffles his hair up. Previously, when Ross was about 12 years old, he became anorexic. But his mother and father helped him with it, and sent him to medical hospitals. Years later, he was able to start eating again.

His mother still fears he'll stop eating again, because all of the chaos that is now happening in their so called family. Before she walked up the stairs, she checks if he starts to eat. He slowly starts eating, and she felt relief. She started to walk up the stairs. 

Ross stops moving the fork, and checks around for his mom. She was gone. He picked up the plate and went into the kitchen, and threw the food out. Goodbye heaven.

He walked back to the living room, picking up his things. Today was the presentation on the English project. The day he would show his theory to everyone in class. He was sure they would laugh, or throw paper balls at him, but he was so sure about his theory.

He heard a honk outside of the house. He exit the house, finding Laura sitting on top of the truck.

"Well then? Lets go." she called to him. He grips the straps of his book bag tightly, and got inside the passenger seat. She jumped off the truck, and opened the truck door, and sits in the drivers seat.

"Alright alright." she slams the door shut. 

He chuckled, as she began to drive. "Whats your deal anyway?" he asked her, looking up at her. He glances at him, looking back to the front as she drove. "What do you mean?" she replies in a questioning tone, putting on her burgundy shades. 

"Why are you so happy all the time?" he asked her. She chuckled and smiled. "Well. I learned that being happy is important."

"But why be happy when someone is going to take that all away from you one day?" he asked her.

She smiles. "Even if that did happen, you'll eventually keep smiling. Because happiness in a human being is what makes them.... them." she states, pulling up in front of the school.

"We're here."


Ross tapped on the desk, nervous about his presentation. Someone in his class was presenting. "And thats when I knew that I could start tap dancing again." she says. In his head, all of it was, 

yadayadayada tap dancing yadablah broken leg dodoodod yadya yay.

The teacher looks at his list. Laura had already presented. Hers wasn't bad. 

"Ross lynch." the teacher calls. Its not like he could say that his was any better. 

Ross got up, and walked over to the board. The teacher smiles. "I knew you'd come up with something." Ross nods, and sees Laura mouthing; Good luck.

He winks, and he began;

As you know -- well some of you might have known -- I've struggled with dyslexia, and ADHD. I can't really write well, read well, or focus as good as any of you." he continues on, "So since can't really write all that well in English, I've created something. I made a theory that might not be very successful and usable to some things, but I can." 

He rolled down a chart, revealing his massive theory.

"The big Ross theory. This title was created by Laura marano over there." she winks at him.

"Basically, my theory, is that you can interpret English mathematically." he takes out a marker. 

"You can say my moms age without guessing or anything. Simply, you can find the square root of 36, which is 6, and add 36 up with my trait. Like, I play guitar. I played it since I was 10, and got it from my mom when I was ten (which was when my father started acting strange.) Add that with 36, and you get 46. Which IS her age." he finally states. You could hear OHs and Oh my gods, and What the fucks. 

"You can tell the future with math too. For instance, a few weeks ago, (exactly 2) my parents had a divorce. Two days before, I calculated the events that we're happening and their ages and amounts of yelling and arguments. It seemed to be that this was the equation;

-this is going to be the explanation of the big ross theory if u want to understand or even use it!-

M(om[denominator])46 + D(ad[numerator])48 = 94 (level of BIG arguing which was over the years)

like, Ross - age 2

Stormie - age 30

Cazim - age 32

30 + 32 = 62 (Level of BIG arguing-previously-)

"And so, put another equation in;

(level of arguing-present-) 94 

Arg94present + 62previous Big arguing level = 156 + 10 (age of Ross when Cazim started acting strange and when mother got Ross a guitar) = 166

94 x 62=5828 then 1850 (i'll tell u how I got 1850 later) - 5828 = -3978 + 1850 = 5828

2016 (year) - 156 = 1850 WHICH is range of yelling levels. So finally, (previous arguing levels plus present arguing levels) = 166 + 1850(range of yelling) = 2016 (year they will get divorced)

"And so, within all of that, they actually did get divorced, which proved the future of their relationship. My mathematical theory shows that you can interpret and prove the future of relationships mathematically. Like what I just showed you. Which turned out to be correct!" he explains. The class murmurs Wows and What the fucks. 

"So everything about me, my parents, genetics, all of that in math, can predict the future, and explain the littlest thing all about me." Ross finally says, and erases what on the bored. The class claps in amusement, as Ross heads back to his seat.

"That was so cool." Laura punches him in the arm.

 "Ow what the fuck." he whispers to her. "You're a genius!"

"Am not.."

"Don't be modest." she smiles. 


HELLO!!!!!!!! I'm sorry for all that math I put in your heads.... I honestly don't know how I came up with this theory. I hate math, and I'm horrible at math, and I interpret things slowly. So yea.. Idek.

And yeah, all of that was a lot to keep in mind, but may I remind you that Ross is a prodigy.

prod·i·gynouna person, especially a young one, endowed with exceptional qualities or abilities."a Russian pianist who was a child prodigy in his day"synonyms:, genius, mastermind,virtuoso , wonder child,wunderkind , girl wonderan impressive or outstanding example of a particular quality.
ur welcomeso yeah anyways, TYSM for reading, plz comment (it gives motivation for updating) and, GOODBYE-Ana

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