6. Halloween

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Beca's heart broke at the sight of Chloe holding hands with this ''Kate''. She had finally figured out her feelings and was ready for a serious relationship. But she was too late, Chloe had moved on ...

There was a lot of tension and awkwardness. Beca wanted to leave, she wanted to leave right now. She felt tears coming up and said, it was nice seeing you again, uhm, enjoy your coffee. It came out really fast and she walked away from their table. She left the coffee place without even ordering some. Beca's heart had just been broking for the very first time.

Beca went straight home afterwards, Stacie was home but Beca didn't pay any attention to her. She grabbed her laptop and started making some new mashups. All this shit happening with Chloe was giving her a lot of inspiration, she even started writing some of her own songs.

Beca wanted to become a music producer. Her father wanted her to go to college, she didn't want to, but he promised to help her if she went to college for at least a year, so she chose one in Los Angeles. In her first year she met Stacie and she decided to finish and get a college degree as Insurance. Now she was in her senior year, after that she would buy an apartment down town and search for job in the music industry. Beca was really talented, but she was still a little shy about her music.

Beca couldn't focus, her mind was still with Chloe and that girl 'Kate'. It really hitted her hard, she really liked Chloe and seeing her with Kate. It really hurt her. Beca had gone through pain before, she had played field hockey when she was in high school and as clumspy as she was she always managed to be covered in bruises. But this time it was different, it wasn't physical pain, it was pain inside of her, she had pain in het hart.

''Well that was awkward'' Kate laughed. ''Who is that girl?''

''Uhm, that was Beca'' Chloe softly smiled at speaking out Beca's name. She hadn't done that for a while, but it would Always get a smile on her face. She quikly hid her smile and took a sip of her coffee.

''and who is Beca? How do you know her?'' Kate asked.

This was really getting awkward and Chloe hesitated for a second, but she decided to tell the truth. ''that's a girl I kind of used to date''

''oh'' was all Kate said. It had sudden gotten a little awkward, but Chloe was an easy talker and quickly changed the subject.

From that moment on Chloe and Beca Always said a polite ''hey'' when they ran into each other. They still went to get coffee in the coffee bar everyday knowing they would see the other. Some longing looks were exchanged, atleast that was what Beca thought. She would watch the redhead drinking coffee with her girlfriend. It still hurted her to see Chloe like that, but she shut those feelings down. She found the redhead watching her sometimes and it gave her hope. Hope that they would get together again, but she would be taken back to reality when Kate gave her a kiss or grabbed Chloe's hand. So she decided not to act on her feelings and tried not to look at Chloe anymore. This was very hard, because Chloe began to reach out more.
Beca was sitting at the coffee bar, drinking her usual, waiting for Stacie to join her. Chloe was also there. They were on opossite sides of the room. Beca got a text:

I'm running late so I won't be taking coffee today. See you at school! xx S

There was Beca, sitting alone waiting for someone who wasn't going to show. She decided to stay and drink her coffee since she was there anyway. She was scrolling trough her Phone when someone walked up to her tabel. ''Hey, can I sit with you?'' Beca looked up and saw it was Chloe who was standing right in front of her.

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