10. Samon or chicken

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After Christmas things had been going better then ever. Months have past and Chloe and Beca are celebrating their 6th month together.

''Chloee!! are you ready? I have been waiting for half an hour!'' Beca was waiting in Chloe's apartment for their date. She was sitting on the sofa together with Aubrey who was watching a movie.

''I'm almost done just a minute babe'' Chloe was putting on this gorgeous short black dress that was deeply cut so you could see some cleavage. She added some jewelry and she put on her high black boots.

Meanwhile on the sofa.   "So Beca I have been wanting to say this to you'' Aubrey turnt to Beca. Beca raised her brow but listened respectfully.

''Chloe has been really happy these past moths with you and I am glad. I mean it I really do and even though we haven't been really getting along you're kind of growing on me. So let's just make it the best we can, for Chloe?''

''For Chloe'' Beca nodded. Aubrey pulled her in for hug, Beca accepted it. She usually doesn't take any hugs from anyone except for Chloe. She thought it was for the best and went along with it.

Chloe came back into the living room. ''ahh my two girls, I'm so happy'' She gazed at the sight, but not for long Beca and Aubrey pulled back quickly.

''Wow, Chlo, I don't know what to say. You really look amazing'' Beca stared at the beautiful redhead with the biggest smile on her face. ''She is right, you look really good Chlo'' Aubrey agreed.

Chloe smiled back at the two girls on the sofa and grabbed her purse. ''Shall we?''

Beca stood up, grabbed Chloe's hand and they walked out the door.


Beca and Chloe were celebrating their 6th month anniversary at a fancy restaurant downtown.

''Becs, what are you getting? I'm still doubting between samon and chicken.'' Chloe said while looking down at the menu.

''I'm getting a hamburger with fries'' Beca answerd. Chloe looked op from her menu. ''Really, why does that not surprise me'' she smirked.

''Hey, you asked'' Beca laughed.

''Okay, I really love chicken, but I never pick samon. Argg.. I really don't know'' Chloe closed her menu out of frustation.

A waiter saw the closed menu's and was quickly at their table. ''Are you ready to order?'' the waiter asked. Chloe nervously looked at Beca while the brunette answered.

''Yes, the chicken for me and samon for her.'' Becan answered. ''Anything else ladies?''

''Some fries would be nice'' The waiter grabbed their menu's and walked away from their table.

Chloe looked at Beca with a soft smile. ''You did that for me?''

''Yeah, we can share, that way you will have samon and chicken.'' Beca said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

''Oh Beca Mitchell I love you so much''

''I love you more Beale''


They were in the midst of their meal when a man and a woman walked in. Choe immediately recognised the man. It was her father.

Chloe tried to hide, but her father had already seen her and was coming to their table.

''Hi, Chloe. I haven't seen you in such a long time. Who is this friend of yours?'' her father asked with a nice smile on his face.

''This is Beca my girlfriend'' Chloe made sure the world girlfriend was loud and clear.

''Beca this is my father, Richard Beale'' Beca shook his hand awkwardly, feeling the tention that was around Chloe and her father.

Chloe hadn't seen her father for over a year. Once she came out about being gay they had a lot of fights. Her mother stood up for her and this was the beginning of the end for their marriage. Chloe was still upset obviously and the way he was acting wasn't helping at all. She felt very quilty about everything and wished things could have been different. Her father was being all nice and he was acting like nothing had changed.

''Who is the young lady standing next to you, dad?'' Chloe said a bit rude.

''Uhm this is Esther, we have been dating for a few months now'' Richard was dating a younger woman and this wasn't helping his case at all. Beca could see Chloe was about to exploit when she heard her father had replaced her mother with a younger and hotter version.

''So why are you and your friend here buttercup?'' Richard asked trying to change the subject.

Chloe stood up as the rage build up inside her. ''First of all this is my GIRLFRIEND and  we're here to celebrate our 6th month together secondly you don't get to call me buttercup anymore. You have to earn that, YOU HEAR ME?!''

Richard bounced back from the table, he didn't expect Chloe to be that upset.

Chloe started yelling and Beca tried to calm her. ''Chlo, come on we're in a restaurant. Please sit down.''

''No I won't sit down Beca, he just has to accept that I'm gay'' Chloe wasn't sitting down anytime soon.

''Come Chloe, we both know it's just a fase. Get over it already.'' Richard said.

Now he had crossed a line. ''A fase OMG HOW DEAR YOU?!'' Beca stood up and got infront of Richard. Beca became immediately protective, how dear he talk about her girlfriend like that.

''I would really like it if you would leave right now'' Beca tried to stay calm and not to yell at him.

''I have some brochures of places that can help you overcome this fase honey'' Richard didn't even look at Beca and stepped closer to Chloe.

''That's enough dude. GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE, NOW!'' Beca was yelling this time and Chloe began to cry. She had her hands infront of her face.

Richard still didn't move. Beca stepped in front of him again and pushed him away. A waiter was standing behind him and they fell on the ground.

''YOU STUPID DYKE'' Richard called out.

Beca didn't react she grabbed Chloe's hand and pulled her out of there. They were almost at the exit when Beca turnt around one last time. ''You can pay for our bill you asshole!'' she yelled back at Richard.


Beca and Chloe were back at Beca's apartment. They had calmed down and were getting ready for bed.

''Becs I'm so sorry. I ruined our entire night.'' Chloe looked down at her feet.

''Hey, hey don't say that. You didn't ruin anything Red.'' the short brunette kissed her softly.

''Why don't we just lay in bed and cuddle. I know you love it'' Beca teased.

Chloe couldn't turn down that offer and got in bed next to Beca.


''Better'' Chloe smiled.

''I don't know what I would do without you Beca''

''Let's hope you never find out'' Beca kissed Chloe's cheek and they went to sleep, trying to forget the horrifying night.


Author's note:

I hope you have been enjoying the story so far. I know my last few chapters have been kind of boring, but I promise it will get better. Some action is coming our way! I'll try to update every week, but I can't promise anything :). I hope you enjoy my story x MD

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