8. Parents

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''Knock, knock'' Beca was standing outside Chloe and Aubrey's apartment. Aubrey opened the door. ''oh hey, Beca'' she said like she was dissapointed it was her.

''hey, Aubrey. Is Chloe home?'' Beca tried to sound as nice as possible. The truth is that she didn't really like Aubrey, the tall blonde didn't seem to like her either, so there was that. Aubrey and her didn't really her along. This was mostly, because Beca had rejected Chloe the first time. Aubrey was just looking out for her friend, she was still holding a grudge against her for hurting Chloe. For Chloe this was hard though, the two girls just didn't have a connection, the only thing they had in common was Chloe. She was gonna try and act nice for Chloe, her feelings for Chloe were gaining every day and she wanted to make her happy. If restoring her friendship with Aubrey was the way to do so, she would.

''yeah, she is in her room'' Aubrey pointed to Chloe's bedroom and went to sit on the couch.

''Okay, thanks Aubrey'' Beca went to Chloe's room. She couldn't find her their so she went to look in the bathroom. Chloe was putting on make up, so she was standing in front of the big mirror with lights on the side. Chloe could see Beca walking up to her in the mirror.

She put her arms around her waist and kissed her cheek. ''Hello beautiful''

Chloe smiled and turn to give Beca a short sweet kiss. ''Hello baby''

Beca shivered, she did that every time Chloe called her 'Baby'. She adored it, no loved it when the redhead used that petname for her. It also kinda turnt her on...

''So why are you here? Not that I don't love that you're here, but we didn't plan anything, did we?'' Chloe went back to her make up and started to put on some mascara.

''No, we hadn't planned anything, but I just wanted to see you'' Beca smiled and blushed a little.

''But now that you're here, I have actually been wanting to ask you something''

''Can ... it ... wait '' Beca was kissing Chloe's neck and worked her way up to her lips.

''Becs...'' a soft moan from Chloe escaped. Two thoughts ran through her mind. One, she really wanted to ask Beca her question, it was important and she was nervous to ask it. Second, Beca and her had never gone further than a heated make out session. They wanted to take it slow and do it right, but the way Beca was kissing her right now, it was full with desire. She knew this, because she felt the same desire boiling up inside her, but she knew she had to ask now or she probably wouldn't ever have the courage to do so.

Chloe pushed Beca away a little and she looked up immediately.

''What's wrong?'' Beca looked confused. ''Did I do something wrong?''

''No, no baby it's just I want to ask you something and it is going to be now or never I am kind of nervous to ask'' Chloe smiled softly.

Beca saw the seriousness in Chloe's brightful blue eyes. ''okay, sorry, ask away?'' she gave a soft smile to make Chloe feel more at ease.

'''Would you wanna spend Christmas together? at my mom's?'' Chloe looked down, too nervous to see Beca's reaction.

A smile began to appear on the small brunette's face. The redhead couldn't see it though. Beca wanted Chloe to see how happy she was. She lift up Chloe's chin with her hand and kissed her deeply. They pulled back, foreheads still touching, ''I would love to spend Christmas with you Chloe''

Chloe opened her eyes  and she looked into the dark blue eyes of Beca. Her eyes were twinkling and she knew Beca was being honest. ''Becs, I am so glad that I met you'' Chloe was now blushing which didn't happen very often.

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