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After reuniting Beca and Chloe went separate ways. Chloe was too anxious that her father would do something to her or worse ... to Beca. So she decided not to contact her after their conversation.

Beca poured her heart out to Chloe and when she didn't hear from the redhead anymore she was heartbroken ... again. She didn't dare to contact Chloe.

Beca and Chloe lost track of each other, until ...


Jesse!, Jesse! HAVE YOU SEEN MY RING? I CAN'T FIND IT! shouted Chloe. Jesse and the redhead got engagead a year after Chloe lost contact with the brunette. However after 5 years they still hadn't gotten married. The first two years Chloe said she wasn't ready and she wanted a house first. Once they lived together in a house she still kept prosponing. She said she wanted the 'perfect' wedding, which meant the perfect dress, venue, guests, etc. She was never satisfied.

Jesse went into their bedroom where Chloe was hysterically running around and searching for her ring. "Okay, calm down, Chlo. Where did you see it last?" he said.

"If I knew that I wouldn't be searching know, wouldn't I!" Chloe said irritated.

Jesse knew best not to answer that and just ignored how rude the redhead just was. Instead he searched along with her.

"Found it" Jesse grabbed the ring from under Chloe's night stand. Chloe jumped up, "thank you, thank you, thank you" she kissed his cheek, as she always did. Chloe's grumpy mood disappeared and her joyful personality was back in a second.

"I got to go to work, see ya tonight?" Chloe said while she grabbed her lunch and put it in her bag. "Yeah, see you tonight babe" Jesse answered. "Okay bye" Chloe put on her coat and left.

She crinched a bit when she heard the word, babe, it reminded her of Beca. Oh Beca, I shouldn't be thinking about her she thought. I haven't seen her in 5 years, why does she sneak into my mind, still... I'll probably never see her again.

Little did she know ...


After finishing college Beca got an internship with a record label in LA. However she didn't do much more than getting coffee and donuts for the real workers there. She was just an intern. Beca being Beca she didn't leave it at that. She anonymously dropped off her self written songs and recordings. She could easily do that since she already was in the building. The producers loved it and were now searching for 'The anonymous girl'. Beca wasn't ready to get discover just yet, so she kept dropping off her work, but never her name.

Beca was at her internship when she got a text from her bestfriend Stacie.

Stacie: diner tonight? at 7, our fav

Beca: noted!

Stacie is with Aubrey now. They have been together for 3 years after Aubrey had come out as bisexual. Aubrey had a crush on both Jesse and Stacie, but Jesse being with Chloe she never answered those feelings. Stacie on the other hand, very single at the time. After a few dates they knew they had found 'the one'. They got engaged last year and their wedding was coming up. Stacie had somethings to discuss with Beca about it.

After work Beca went straight (not that straight :) to the restaurant. Stacie had already gotten them a table and stood up as Beca walked towards her. They hugged and sat down.

"This was unexpected, nice though." Beca started.

"Yeah, I know I have some things to talk to you about the wedding." Stacie answered while looking at the menu. "Sure, what's up Stace."

"The wedding is in a few weeks and you know as my best friend I would want you to be my maid of honor." Stacie implied carefully, knowing that Beca never wanted to be a bridesmaid.

"Stace, I would love to" Beca said softly. Stacie couldn't get a more wide smile on her face. She was so happy.

"Thank you, becs, it means a lot. There is one thing though."

Beca's brow raised and she looked at Stacie quenstionably. "What is it"

"Chloe is Aubrey's maid of honor." there was a bit of a silence after Stacie said it.

"Oh, well that will be fine Stace. It is weeks away I'll manage." Beca finally said.

"UHmm, you will have to plan our bachlorette together, cause we want to do it together, but if you don't want to, I'll just ask someone else. I understand."

"Don't be crazy. You have protected me for a long time. You made sure you being with Aubrey never got me Chloe in any problems. I never had to see her in all these years. It's your wedding and your bachlorette and I am your best friend. So I will do this for you okay. Don't worry it'll be fine."

"you sure?"



Chloe had gotten back from work and dropped on the couch immediatly. She was exhausted. She worked at an elementary school and she loved it, but it was very hard work. She put on her favorite show Gossip girl (ofcourse) and Jesse sat next to her. They ate dinner on the couch and enjoyed watching the first episode again. After a while she got a text.

Beca Mitchell: Hey Chloe, Long time no see. Stacie asked me to be her maid of honor and told me you are Aubrey's. I know the wedding is only in a few weeks, but we should probably start planning the bachlorette. You think we could get together some time this week? Let me know. Beca M

Chloe was shook. She did not expect this at all. She got a text from Beca, the same Beca she was thinking about this morning. The same Beca she thought she would never see again. It was about the wedding, but still she couldn't ignore what it did to her. She was surprised, excited and nervous at the same time.

"Chloe, you okay?" Jesse looked at her questionably. The redhead had a blush on her face. Chloe tried to hide it. "Just someone from work, I forgot something apparently." Jesse nodded at the answer and looked back at the screen.

Chloe: Hey Beca, yeah it's been a while. Great to hear you're Stacie's maid of honor. I have to work, but I have a free afternoon on wednesday. Let me know if you're also available.

Chloe doubted, with x or without x. She did it to everyone, but would it be weird? She didn't know. She decided to send the text without, it would probably make Beca feel weird, so better not to do it.

She send the message and returned to watching Gossip Girl. Within a minute she got a reply.

Beca Mitchell: I'm free, meet you at the coffee place, if you remember.

Chloe: I remember, see you wednesdsay!

Chloe's heart wasn't going at it's normal speed. She was going to see Beca on wednesday, how on earth was she going to survive this.


Wednesday had arrived and Chloe was looking at the clock. Her day was almost over. 20, 19, 18, 17, ... 3, 2, 1. ringggg!!! The children stood up, grabbed their coats and left. She was done and grabbed her own stuff, she was now on her way to Beca.

She arrived at the coffee place with the big Windows and saw Beca already sitting at a table. The table they always used to sit, shit she thought, this is gonna bring up so many memories. She walked towards the table, but Beca still didn't see her.

When she was just a few feed away Beca noticed her. The brunette stood up. There it was again, that feeling she had the first time she saw Beca.

"hey" Beca said softly.


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