12. Taco Bell

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"Chloe!" Aubrey was shouting, because Chloe was in the shower and couldn't hear her. Chloe didn't react so Aubrey walked to the bathroom. She knocked on the door.

"yeah, what's up Bree?"

"Uhm Chloe your father has called again. I said you weren't at home, but it is the sixth time this week that he has called. The sixth time and it is only wednesday! Maybe you should call him back?"

"I'm so sorry Bree, I will call him later today so that won't bother you anymore okay?"

"thanks" Aubrey was about to walk away when Chloe told her to wait.

"Has anyone else called for me" Chloe asked almost afraid.

"No she hasn't called Chlo, I'm so soryy. Maybe you should just forget about her. I thas been three weeks and she still hasn't called. It's only hurting you this way.'' Aubrey tried not to be too harsh, but even when Aubrey said it in the sweetest way possible it still hurt.

''I know" Chloe walked out of the bathroom with her bath towel wrapped around her. She walked to her room. She said she was fine, but Aubrey could see nothing in Chloe's eyes. The sparkle was gone. When she looked at Chloe she just saw emptyness.


It was noon and Stacie was coming home from a class she had had.

"Becs, I'm home!" Stacie shouted. It takes a few seconds for Stacie to realise Beca is sleeping on the couch. She is still in her PJ's and there is a bottle of whiskey standing on the table. It is empty.

"oh Beca, what are you doing with yourself" Stacie starts cleaning the table and grabs a blanket to wrap Beca in.

Beca has been drinking ever since she and Chloe broke up. Beca has never been 'really' in love so she has never been hart broken, until now. Stacie tried to cheer her up, but nothing has worked so far. Beca eats very littly or nothing, she has already lost some weight and Stacie is seeing the changes Beca's body is making. She wont' stop drinking, she is failling a bunch of classes and she barely leaves their home. She spends most of her time in her room making mixes, because eventhough she feels like shit music is still her support.

Stacie decides to wake up. Beca has to get up and move on. Stacie decides today is the day she has to start. Three weeks of drinking is enough and she isn't giving Beca a choice.

"Beca wake up!" Stacie shakes her until she gives her a reaction.

"WHAT!" Beca seems annoyed that someone is interrupting her sleep. She sits up straight.

"Get dressed! We are going out" Stacie demands. Beca looks up at her bestfriend and sees that there is no point in arguing and walks to her room to get dressed.


Chloe didn't want to call her dad and just went by his place. Her father opens the door.

''Hey, Chloe. I am so glad that you are here." Richard says. He invites her in and they go the to living room. Richards leaves the room to get a water for Chloe and sits on the couch next to her when he is back.

"So I have been wanting to talk to you. I heard you broke up with that weird eyeliner girl and I must say I couldn't be happier about it."

Chloe couldn't believe what he was saying, he was so wrong, but nothing came out of her mouth. She just nodded along and didn't speak a word.

Richard went on and on about some guy he wanted her to meet. Chloe's head was making an over drive and was about to explode. She stood up. "NO"

"What no, what do you mean Chlo, honey?"

"I mean no, I won't go out with that boy of yours. I AM GAY DAD, WHY CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND"

Richard stood up now too and walked towards her. Chloe stepped back, because she was afraid of the anger in his eyes.

"I am going to call him and ask if he will come in half an hour. When he gets here you will go with him." Richards grabbed Chloe's wrist while talking and squeezed it till it hurt her.

Chloe was crying, but she was still shaking her head no. She would not go out with some guy, she didn't like guys, she liked girls, she loved Beca eventhough Beca didn't love her anymore.


"okay" Chloe had never hated herself that much for giving him what he wanted, but the though of Beca getting hurt was too much. Eventhough she thought Beca didn't love her anymore she still loved her and would protect her at any cost.


Stacie had gotten Beca to eat somehting, it was her favorite meal so Beca gave in eventually. They were at Taco Bell, but this time instead of eating in the parking lot they had taken a seat inside. When Beca and Stacie became roommates one of the first things they did was eat a Taco Bell in the parking lot after a night of going out. They had made a ritual of it and were planning to uphold the ritual until the day they die. Whenever they go out together they eat some Taco Bell after.

They were sitting in a booth with their Taco's and Beca didn't feel that bad anymore.

"So better right" Stacie smirked.

"Better" Beca said with her mouth full and it made Stacie laugh. Beca's Taco, well it was no Taco anymore, was all around her face. The sight was hilarious. And as infectious as Stacie's laugh was, Beca laughed along.

"We should do this more often" Beca suggested.

"noted" Stacie said and quickly ate the rest of the Taco. "Maybe we can go out this weekend and eat one after, like we Always do." Stacie said.

"Uhm, I don't know if I'm ready to go out again."

"Yeah I guess. This went well though, right? Can't you just try?"

"Baby steps Stace, I'm still in love with uhhh...." Beca couldn't finish her sentence. Her eyes were focused on a redhead walking inside. Chloe just walked in Taco Bell how coincidentally.

"You mean Chloe?" Stacie tried to finish Beca's sentence, cause Beca was too shocked of the sight infront of her. Chloe didn't walk in alone. She was with a boy.

Stacie followed Beca's eyes and turnt around. "SHIT" Stacie saw Chloe, with the boy, and didn't know what to do.

"Becs, do you wanne leave"

Beca nodded, not able to speak. They paid and walked to the exit.

Chloe was sitting with the boy, Jesse, in a booth at the other site of the exit. She stared right into Beca's eyes when she walked by. At first she was shocked and wanted to look away, but she couldn't.

They gazed at eachother for a few seconds that seemed like forever.

Then Beca walked out the door and there gaze was broken.

Chloe was left with Jesse and the most awful feeling in her stomach.

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