11. I'm done

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After what happend at their anniversary diner Chloe had been very closed off. She wasn't the ray of Sunshine she usually was. Beca is struggling, she doesn't know how to help Chloe. Richard, Chloe's dad, really hurt her and the next time Beca runs into him she won't let him get away with it so easily. 

Chloe is sitting in her room when her Phone rings. She sees it is Beca and picks up. 

''Hey baby'' Beca begins. ''You want to hang out tonight?'' she asks. 

''Hello, yes that's fine.'' Chloe answers. 

''Shall I come to you?'' Beca suggests. 


''I'll be there in ten minutes'' Beca hangs up and the redhead puts her Phone down. She looks up to her closet and doubts about putting on some fresh clothes. She decides  not to, she just doesn't have the energy. 

After ten minutes Beca knocks on her door. 

*knock knock* ''Can I come in'' Beca p carefully opens the door and peeks inside to see Chloe lying on bed with sweatpants on and a messy bun. 

Chloe doesn't answer and Beca walks inside. Chloe glances a sweet smile to Beca and the tiny brunette answers it with a smile back. 

''So I brought all of your favorite movies, The Notebook, Titanic, The last five years, because you still think I look like that girl'' Beca smirks. 

''That's because you do Beca, you look like a twin of Anna Kendrick'' Chloe chuckles. ''There is my Chloe again'' Beca laughs and she gives her a sweet kiss. 

Chloe looks down and starts to cry softly. ''I'm so sorry Beca, I just... I '' 

''Hey, hey Chlo it's okay, come here'' Beca embraces Chloe with a big hug. ''I know you are having a hard time and it's okay just don't shut me out''

''I know, I know I'm sorry'' Chloe said with tears streaming down her face. 

''ahh Chlo, can you promise me something?'' Beca asked while drying Chloe's tears with her thumb. Chloe nodded. ''Promise me you will try, try to dress in the morning and try to get out the house. If you can't sometimes that's okay, but just try okay, for me?''

''I will I promise'' Chloe embraced Beca for another hug. She wanted to hold her and feel safe and alive. Beca did that for her, she was her reason to get up in the morning. Beca was her reason to live, that's how much she is in love with that tiny girl. 

''So now enough of the sadness let's watch a movie! Oh I also brought food'' Beca smirkt. 

''I want to watch 'The Notebook' and did you bring sweettarts?'' 

''Now why am I not surprised'' Beca laughed. ''I brought all of your favorite food ofcourse'' Beca grabbed her bag full of food and put it all on the bed. 

''Becs?'' Chloe said with the sweetest smile. ''Yeah'' Beca looked up from the food. ''I love you, I love you so much you know that right?'' 

''I know, but I love you more Red'' Beca stood up and gave her girl a sweet meaningful kiss. 


Four weeks have passed and Chloe still isn't feeling any better. She has been going out the house more, but still nog enough for Beca's taste. But what Beca doesn't know is that Chloe's dad has been sending her messages. Messages that she has to act normal, that it is just a fase and that she will get over it. He says she is just confused and that's she needs help also that he can give help to her. He says that she isn't gay. 

Richard has been getting in Chloe's head and she is starting to believe the things he is saying. Chloe is still shutting Beca out and their relationship has reached a low point. They barely speak anymore, Beca tries but Chloe is usually to tired. The redhead still lays in bed all day and barely eats. Chloe has been losing a lot of weight and Beca was starting to see changes in the redhead's body. Beca is worried and also very frustrated with her.  After a week of not hearing anything from Chloe, Beca decides to give her a visit and check up on her. 

Beca walks inside Chloe's room. The redhead was lying in bed as usual, it was already two in the afternoon. ''Hey Chlo you up?'' Beca lightly touched her to see if she was awake. Chloe just groaned to let Beca know she was up, but she rather wanted to sleep again. 

''Have you eaten anything today?'' Chloe shook her head as a response on the tiny brunette's question. 

''Shit, Chloe. You have to eat something. I'm just gonna make you something.'' Beca said demanding, She didn't wait for a refutation and she went into the kitchen to make somehting. 

The brunette came back ten minutes later with a sandwich and a glass of water. She put it on Chloe's night stand waiting for the redhead to grab it. Chloe didn't move a muscle though. 

''So you are really gonna refush huh?'' Beca's voice was filled with annoyance. The redhead still didn't make a move to eat something. 

''You know what Chloe, I am done!'' Beca's voice was raising and all the frustation build up over the weeks was coming out. 

Chloe was shook by what Beca said. She came from under the covers and went to sit straight up. ''What do you mean you're done?'' Chloe's voice was filled with fear and pain. 

''I mean that I'm done with this. I just can't anymore. I hurts so much to see you like this and maybe if I can't help you I am not good enough for you!'' Beca almost shouted. 

Chloe was taken completely by surprise. She did not see this coming. ''Becs, I am so so sorry. I try, I do. I just , I can't'' her eyes were filled with tears. 

''Don't dare saying that you tried, you tried two or maybe tree times to go out and eat a full meal and that was weeks ago. You haven't tried since. You promised'' Beca's eyes are fillled with tears  now too. 

''I know, you're right. I'm sorry Beca please don't leave me. I will do better, I promise. Just please don't go!'' Chloe was crying her eyes out and begging Beca not to go. 

''You promised me once before and that was more than a month ago. I don't know what to do Chlo. I love you I really do, but I just can't be with someone who can't even leave their bed for a day. I don't hear from you for a week, not even one single text Chlo. It hurts it really hurts. So I think we should maybe take a break.'' Beca's voice was breaking down. ''We should get ourselves together and maybe then we can try again. I hope you understand'' It was killing the tiny brunette to say this. She loved Chloe with her whole hart but seeing her like this it killed her. Maybe Chloe was better off without her she thought. Maybe someonelse could help her. 

Chloe was still crying, but she was too afraid to look at Beca. She looked at the sheets instead and just nodded at what Beca was saying not really hearing what she said. All Chloe was focusing on was the pain in her chest. She felt her heart break. 

''I think I should go'' Beca said and she walked towards Chloe. ''I will call you tomorrow, okay?'' Beca kissed the redhead on her forhead and left. 

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