Mysteries of a Cave

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I made it farther out than last my last attempt in just a few hours. I was tired as frick but the sun became so bright, it would be impossible for me to fall asleep with that type of light. Soon I approached a cave, and decided to take a break from running, and explore a bit. I headed in, cobwebs everywhere, mobs that could jump at me at any moment, I continued to excel farther into the cave. Just around a corner, I saw something, I jumped back, gasping, and took another quick peak. A girl in black overalls wearing a black shirt.
"Jesse?" I mumbled, the girl turned around, it was truly Jesse.
"Petra!" The girl exclaimed, "your not supposed to be here, how'd you find me? What were you thinking?"
"I wasn't, I wanted to find you!" I told her.
"Ughhh, you have no idea how much danger your getting me into!"
"What do you mean? What were those Watch Out notes? What did the final half of your note say?"
"The Watch Out notes? They're from Cassie Rose, my note, I don't know what your talking about," Jesse explained.
"The note you wrote! It ripped into thirds and I can't find the third half!" I explained.
"It was explaining what I just explained to you," said Jesse.
"Ohhh, anyway, I'm so happy I found you!!" I exclaimed, throwing my arms around her, Jesse quickly pushed me away.
"You have to go!" Jesse said.
"What do you mean?"
"Back to Beacontown"
"Note without you!" I refused.
"Please," Jesse begged. I shook my head, grabbed her by the wrist and began to run. Jesse tried to free herself from my grip.
"Are your hands made out of bedrock?!?!" Jesse yelled, angrily. I laughed, continuing to run with her until we got back home.

THE END! XD jk, they still haven't found Lukas, and Jesse still has problems to face. I hope you liked this part, Jesse was finally found! Now it's Lukas' turn!

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