Splitting Up

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          "They went that way, that's all I know," I said, pointing West.
          "Then that's the way we gotta go."
           We all began heading West, the way the mysterious figure took Jesse, we kept running, no matter how dehydrated we go, no matter how tired we got, and no matter how hopeless we got. Eventually we came to three different paths, one going straight ahead, one going left, and one going right.
          "Which way could they have gone?" Olivia questioned
          "There's three paths, there's three of us, we'll each go one way," I suggested.
          "Nothing good ever happens when people split up!" Axel complained.
          "It's our only option!"
          "Petra's right, if we wanna save Jesse, it's best to split up, I'll go right, Axel will go left, and Petra will go straight ahead," Olivia said.
          "Sounds good to me."
          And we all went our separate ways, I ran straight ahead, and I kept running, checking every cave. I kept going until I found a hidden door, a trapdoor, in the dark corner of a cave. I stepped in, cautiously. Opening the trap door, I was ,etc by a ladder, and I began to climb down, the light got brighter and bolder every step I took down the ladder. Almost at the bottom, I decided it was time to jump down.
         "Here goes nothing," I jumped, landing at the start of a long corridor, I took a deep breath as I began to make my way down it.
          "I wonder what Axel and Olivia might be up to now," I murmured to myself.
          "What was that?"

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