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~l u k e~

today at lunch i realized something. ashton is always in long clothing. not once have i seen him do gym. not once have i seen him wear short sleeves. im getting really concerned. theres something secret about him and i can tell.

when i got home i couldnt stand these thoughts anymore so i decide to go to ben. i may not always talk to him about important things but, i know he knows a lot of things. he helps jack a lot. now its my turn, i need to know whats wrong with ashton.

"ben?" i whisper as i come into his room.

"yeah" he replies back in the same low tone.

"i need your help. i have this friend his name is ashton and im very concerned about him" i say seriously.

"why?'' he simply replies.

"'cause he's always in long clothes and his eyes dont have life in them. he's always happy and laughing and smiling and such a bubbly person. but i dont know theres something thats not right about him. and oh yeah hes almost never eating and when he does its only small portions of it" i say sadly. we stay quiet for a few minutes and then ben finally decides to say something, "maybe he cuts, i dont know him but just maybe he does. he might also have an eating disorder, you say his never eatin-" before he can finish i break into tears. "why would he do it though?" i ask through sobs. "i dont know" he says now also crying.

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