t w o

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~ a s h t o n ~

today in class there was a fat guy next to a skinny guy in a picture in our textbook. ''hey look, its ashton" jake said and pointed to the fat one, he said this to everyone and he knew i was there, he wanted to hurt my feelings. i just laughed. luke was in my class i couldnt show him that im pathetic.

~ l u k e ~

why did ashton just laugh when jake was being a dick to him? he didn't cry, he didn't turn sad. he just laughed. thats not even funny.

~ m i c h a e l ~

"ash, wheres your food?" i ask him at lunch. "i had a really big breakfast this morning, like most mornings'' he smiled. he's always so happy. everything is so much better when ashton is around. yes, it was fun when it was just me, luke and calum. but not as much fun as with ashton. "luke buddy whats wrong?" calum says out of nowhere calum is usually so quiet he only talks when no one is around or something is bothering him. ''oh nothin- i just uh dont feel uh good" luke replied unsurely. "oh my god, luke do you want me to take you to see the nurse? are you ok?'' said ashton freaking out. "im fine" luke says as the bell rang. lunch was very weird today.

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