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~ l u k e ~

dear ashton,

today is christmas. your favorite day of the year. i remember how every christmas you would get so excited. and i remember how you brought the best presents.

i also haven't spoken to my family in a long time. i think i am going to since it's christmas and i got them nothing because i'm the worst fucking son in the world.

i love you.

love luke.

p.s. merry christmas.


i walk downstairs and walk over to my mum, ben and jack. my dad left us years ago so he's not here. "look who has decided it's time to stop sulking over some stupid boy and come out of his room?" my mum says.

"ashton is not stupid!" i yell at her. "don't you dare yell at me like that young man!" she yells back. ben gives me a sympathetic look. and jack just stared at me like i'm an alien from another world. "i thought coming down would be a good idea but i guess not!" i scream.

"ashton killed himself because you you luke!" my mum screams even louder.

i run upstairs and go into my bedroom and grab my blade. And run it over new and old scars and cuts. i have run out of room to cut so i just cut over my previous ones. why do i deserve all this pain?

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