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~ m i c h a e l ~

luke has been off school everyday since ashtons death which was a month ago. his going to get expelled.

at school its only me and calum. i don't mind though. calum even sleeps over my house when i need comforting. he comes in my bed a cuddles me, which makes me blush a whole heap. but i don't mind.

~ c a l u m ~

me and michael went over to lukes today. of corse he wasn't there, he was at ashtons grave. luke goes and vists that grave everyday. he doesn't care what the weather is he still goes.

so me and michael head over to the cemetery and we see luke looking ashtons gravestone. we walk closer and we start hearing him saying things. "i don't know why you didn't tell me your problems ashton. i could've helped you! i could've fucking helped you. we could've worked through this together" tears start coming out of lukes eyes. he sees us and waves to us and smiles. at least he isn't that sad that he cant smile. he wipes aways his tears and gives us hugs when we get over to him.

all three of us sit there all day. we all enjoyed each others company. it started getting dark and michael says, "guys we should head home. we have school tomorrow and its going to rain and its almost night time and its getting dark!" as me and michael start walking to my car we look behind and see luke still sitting there. "luke you coming?" i yell a bit louder than needed. "yeah, i just wanna say goodnight. yous leave i'll be home soon." he yells back. "okay then. lets go mikey.''

Please if you have any problems tell someone about it <3

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