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i wrapped my arms around her shoulder and kept her close although i was worried she would start asking questions about the necklace again..i guess im gonna have to keep avoiding it.

"are you cold.....because you can have my jacket" i asked

"yh sure thanks" she replied

i took of my jacket and helped her put it on.

"so where you from becuase your the only person i have heard say they went exploring in a forest with dogs when you were 5"

i explained how i was from Rosebridge, a small town that was nothing like the city but it wasn't that far either.

"omg..do you know Amanda"

i was taken back how does she know Amanda. i had already decided to leave amanda behind as i know that she is bat shit crazy and im not gonna deal with her. i guess Amanda's either following me or fate wants me to get my revenge on her.

"i think so.why? do you know her" i asked

"yh...wow you two should meet becuase she is from Rosebridge as well. what a funny coincidence that i know 2 people from Rosebridge. " she laughed.

We got to her flower shop and i walked her in before watching her run up to get Amanda.

Amanda came downstairs in a large jumper that came down to her knees and she put her hair back in a messy bun. She looked surprised to see me and slowly walked over to where eva was.

"heyy omg amanda this is jay, he is from Rosebridge as well" her giggle was cute. she smiled showing off her dimples.

"hey" i said acting like i never knew her.

she looked puzzled and played along.

"umm eva..i ran you a bath since you called and said your were cold....so go before it turns cold as well"

"oh okay...bye jay" she jumped in my arms and pecked my cheek as if she was embarrassed to kiss in front of amanda.

my eyes followed and i gave a final wink before she was gone.

"wow....you again" i eyed her up and down. she walked up to check if eva was completely gone

"okay..she is gone. i have got only 1 thing to say. What are you doing here and how did you get here"

i corrected her "first of all thats 2 things but fine you wana know. i was let off and im here for a fresh start"

"no your following me plus what do you mean they let you off"

"no stop being so full of yourself...you know that this is the closest city to Rosebridge."

"true" she looked down.

"anyway turns out they don't have any evidence of me,literlly the only fingerprints they found were bryan's because that idiot didn't wear gloves."

"don't call him that. there is no way the police just let you off considering you confessed..they recorded it"

"no amanda that where you plan failed. my uncle has worked with the police before as he is a lawyer. well he simply pulled some strings and the recording....ummm 'disappeared' "

"jay you can't mess with the law like that. you uncle helped you without wanting anything in return that is just  - "
I intruppted her

"- it's  just so what? anyway he wanted me to leave Rosebridge and just live somewhere else so yh he gave me some money and a ticket to here i guess."

"so thats the end you get away scot free"

"yep...they think that bryan killed himself because he killed casey...yh Rosebridge police are not the smartest  but they are definitely interesting" i smirked

she came closer looking me in the eye. i could hear her breathing pattern, her lips parted as she whispered

"your lying. i think i know why you actually came"

"What?" i swear this woman is so extra. she asked me and i gave her a honest answer. i looked deep into her eyes

"why am i here then"


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