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my wedding is a week. I'm not having a hen do because im to busy plus jay said that it would be easier. I didn't question him but i didn't undertand.

"maisie why do you not get along with jade"

"what did she say about me to you"

"nothing really but i was talking to jay and he says that jade isn't your biggest fan and im guessing that your not her's"

"yh the feeling is mutual"

"maisie please give her a chance...in a week or so she is gonna be your sister"

"-in law...don't forget the in law part"

"maisie i swear your so extra"

"err im not gum"

"im serious"

"fine..i will give her a chance but one mistake and im ditching her..okay"

thats 1 of the many reasons i love Maisie. she listens and gives people a chance before giving up on them.

"oh yh mums says she is coming and also she is walking you down the isle" when Maisie said this i was shocked


"well i persuade her to come and everyone has answered whether they are coming or not"

"seriously all 250 people"

"yh..the list is over there on the table im tired so goodnight"

"you actually going to bed"

"yh. what am i not allowed to go to bed, huh. well im sorry but goodnight"

"goodnight. love you" i laughed as she walked upstairs smiling before completely disappeared to her room.

when i knew she was gone i walked to the table and scanned the list searching for Amanda's name. I didn't want to admit it but i really missed her and i feel bad because i didn't tell her about me getting married. maybe its becuase im embarrassed about how far apart we have become, maybe its also becuase im mad that she is still lying to me. I hate when people lie to me but i don't have the strength to confront anyone especially Amanda considering how important she once was to me.

1 week later:

i can't believe its finally the day. jay left this morning the next time i see him will be when im walking down the aisle.

"okay jade tell everyone to get there dresses on" asked maisie

"do i look like your slave...do it yourself "

i quickly intervened as i needed to get my make up done. "okay..everyone get your dresses on. jade come on and help me get ready"

Everything is slowly falling into place today is the day i will never forget.

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