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I listened to jade but i was hurting to much to comprehend it all. she walked away crying and i just sat in the corridor waititng for Maisie to return.

"i spoke to jade and i think it's safe to say she didn't mean to hurt eva" sniffled Maisie

"trust me she doesn't make mistakes" i replied.

That night we spent the most uncomfortable night in the room waiting or the doctor, we spoke and got to know each other even more.

The next morning i woke up first and just like i wished eva was back in the room. as she laid in the small rigid hospital bed i still became mesmerised by her how beautiful she look,the lighting helped make her skin glow up even more.

After a hour or so the doctor finally came in and i woke Maisie up.

"okay so we have good news and bad news"

"good news" blurted Maisie. i don't think she was ready to hear that something bad had happened.

"well we removed the bullet but bad news is that she needs the machine to support her as the bullet was lodged really deep that she has been left paralysed as well as this her body isn't responding well so she needs life support for now but if it gets to long we many leave you with the hefty decision of pulling the plug" explained the doctor.

Maisie started pacing up and down and i could see she was on the verge of crying.

"if eva needs a donor for a organ then i will do it like seriously i will do anything just please help her...she means the world to alot of people like us" i cried

the doctor just shook his head and said that there is nothing he can do anymore.After the doctor left us Maisie offered to get us some coffee. When she was gone as well i took the momment to tell eva a few things that i have kept inside since this whole thing began.

i walked over to eva and placed my cold fingers on her face.

"eva i love you and even though your not going to hear this i want you to know that im sorry for the pain that i caused,sorry for the stress and lies..especially the lies. eva your the only one to make me ever break down like this ,i promise i was a different person back then" i held her hand and took a deep breathe

"I'm sorry for all of this. you mean alot to me and losing you would destroy me,your the only thing in my life thats right...if you want i will hand myself in and die in prison as long as your alright. please wake up because i don't want to pull the plug...i...i don't want to be the reason your gone as well." i placed my head lightly on her hand and let my tears just flow.

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