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While everyone was running around preparing jade just sat down texting on her phone.

"hello yh excuse me...a where is your fricken dress"

"oh yh its over there"

"oh wow really well here's a shocker..it's supposed to be on your body"

"i will put it on later,i just have some bussiness to sort"

"okay well i don't care just know that emily will be here soon to take the first set of pictures"

"umm how many sets are you taking"

"not that much just a set before the bride leaves then during the ceremony and then finally after"

"damn you better be paying her well because she needs to double her shots to fit you in"

i couldn't believe that jade was seriously making fat jokes.

"jade your so immature its just disgusting"

"yh okay i don't care"

I had alot to say to her but i kept it in as i didn't want to ruin the day but it was already off to a bad start.

then my mum came and joined the conversation "okay girls less chatter more working"

"mum i think that supposed to rhyme"
she smiled and went upstairs to find one of the hairdressers.

i believe that jade is up to something so i decided to hand my clipboard to one of my friends and follower her.

i watched as she placed her phone down to help someone zip there dress up. i quickly picked up her phone and then a text entered. the notification sound was loud and caused me to almost drop her phone,before putting it back i saw that the message was from amanda.

What is she up to, she is going to do something bad i just know it.

knock knock

emily was at the door. i opened it and greeted her, told everyone to get ready for pictures

"okay pictures are getting taken in 3 minutes"

Eva looked amazing,her hair,nails and obviously her dress. All the bridesmaids looked incredible expect for jade who wasn't there.

while everyone was getting pictures taken i went looking for jade. When i finally found she was in the garden hidden behind the shed. she was on the phone and it sounded serious so i paused in hopes of hearing something.

"okay ivy just meet up at the place and make sure you bring it. I love my brother but he needs to pay for what he done and also i need to make sure eva doesn't make it into our family. i can't stand her sister Maisie."

"what are you planning you despicable woman"

she jumped and quickly hung up.

"Maisie what your problem why are you eavesdropping in my conversation"

"stop changing the topic i know your up to something and im not letting you ruin this day"

"oooo what you going to do"

i looked her dead in her eye then i don't know why but i pulled her. i pulled her and opened the shed door shoving her in it and locking it.

"get me out of here or i will break down this shed"

"go ahead and then you will pay for damages"

"okay Maisie. fine if you let me out i won't do anything"

"really becuase...i don't believe you. im not stupid"

"thats debatable"

"yh being rude isn't going to help you..im sorry but your gonna stay here till we return from the ceremony. okay... i will be back to unlock the door for you"

i took the keys and put them in my purse before joining the others for the pictures.

"hey Maisie tell jade to come join the pictures" asked eva

"its okay she kinda busy right now she can take them after the ceremony"

i felt bad but I'm only doing this because jade is bad news for this wedding.

"okay the cars here lets go..the limo is for eva,jade,maisie and me the other go in the Mercedes." explained my mum

"mum someone else can join us since jade is going there later" i said

as everyone got in i was the last as i looked at the shed tempted to open it and let her come but i wasn't ready for the disaster that she is obviously going to cause now i just need to find amanda when i get there

We all got in and the cars drove off. Everyone was laughing and smiling while i had a deep sinking feeling.

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