19. Fantasy Mermaid

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( I did skip 'zac return to mako' for many reasons. But I hope you enjoy this chapter! )

It's been a while since I became a mermaid. I didn't like being this way. Not that I hate mermaids, I just don't want to be one. I just want to be normal, a human being. But no I'm this fish girl now. No one ever wants to be with me, while I have a tail for legs instead. No one would ever want me. It made me sad to think of it, like that. But it's what my minds makes me think. I have still been keeping my feelings from Cam. It's not the right time, with everything going on. Zac lying to Evie, and my new tail. I'm not used to it. Every time I gave in water, or even let water touch any part of my skin. I get a tail. I'm not happy about that.

I wasn't feeling the best of days, I wanted to take a nice bath. Like I used to before, I become this thing. I got undressed and turned on my water the hottest it could go. I wanted to have a nice bubble bath, I need it. For the day I have been having. It was nice. I went in the hot water, only a few seconds later, my tail appeared. I could never get used to this. I sighed. But instead of getting out. I stayed in. While eating a bowl of ice cream.

I wanted to stay in this nice hot bath. But I knew I couldn't, not with everything going on. I moved my head back, just to close my eyes for a few.

I phone rang, I didn't answer it, but it did go off more than once. I don't know who it is. I really don't care at this point. I finished my ice cream. I felt like I was a girl who just got dumped. I hated that feeling. I sat the bowl on the table next to me.

I heard a knock on my door. I panicked. "Don't come in!-- I'm not dressed. I mean I'm in the bath!" Shouted, trying to find a way to get rid of my tail quickly as I could. Before, I could do anything. I saw Cam walking through the door. I sighed. "You scared me!" I said throwing a towel at him. "ouch!" He joked.

I smiled at him. That was the weirdest thing I ever did. "Why are you here.." I asked, then thought of a better question. "How did you get in my house?" I asked.

Cam nodded at me, taking a seat in my chair. "You mother let me in, and I called you more than once. if you ever answer your phone, you would know." Cam replied. I looked over at my phone. He was the one that called me. "Oops," I said shaking my head. Cam laughed.

Cam stared at my tail, I caught on very quickly. "You wanna touch it?" I asked him, with a shy smile. He stared at me. "really?" He asked. I nodded my head. He gave me a look before he reached his down in my tube and ran his hand on my tail. "It's very tough," Cam commented. I bite down on my lip as I watched him. He removed his hands from my tail. He stared at my eyes. I loved this moment. I wanted more like this. I took a deep breath.

"You look like a fantasy, Anna." He said. I looked at him. Where did that come from? Not that I didn't mind what he said. "What do you mean?" I asked him, I was kind of confused by him. Cam shook his head. He places his fingers on his head. "I shouldn't have said that I don't know why I did." He corrected himself. I shook my head. "It's fine Cam, I'm just confused why you said I 'look like a fantasy' like I'm not real?" I asked. He shook his head. "No, that you're not real, more like you're too beautiful." He replied. I left my heart skip a beat.

"Oh," I said, not sure what I should say back. I liked Cam a lot. Then I realized. "Anna-" Cam said, I was leaning forward on him. I stared down at his lips. I wanted to kiss him, so badly. I notice he looked down at him. I wanted him to kiss me, would he even kiss me back. I held on my tub tightly. I leaned forward to him more. It was quiet, we weren't talking or saying anything to each other. Like we were all caught up in the moment, we were having. I couldn't stop myself until. I kiss him. I was hoping this would be my first real kiss, with a boy I had strong feelings for. My heart race as Cam leans in with me.

I felt like I couldn't breathe. My body was shaking. I was scared, how the kiss would go. I didn't want to be scared, I was shyer than anything. Was this really gonna happen? I thought to myself, this all must be some kind of dream.

I closed my eyes, as he did the same. Only a few inches from each other. Then I felt his lips barely touched me, I felt a shock go through our lips as they touched. I backed up quickly and, placed my fingers on my lips, That was very weird. Why did that happen? Cam did the same. "That was weird," Cam commented. I nodded. I stared at him. We had our first kiss. I just hope it wasn't the last one. "Wanna try again?" Cam asked me. I was taken back a little. I was out of breath. The kiss was very weird, why did that happen in the first place. Maybe it's a mermaid thing.

"Maybe some other time," I replied. I gave him a smile. I liked the kiss, but I was afraid that would happen again. He smiled back. "Some other time." He smiled. "Wanna go to the cafe?" I asked. He nodded.

He walked out of the bathroom. I smiled to myself. Touching my lips again. He made me happy, he didn't care if I had a tail or not. I want to be with Cam. 

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