02* Apple Bites

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Anastasia leaves a soft huff in defeat. Anastasia, not one to throw a fit, but she is the type get pouting when things don't go her way. Anastasia rolled her eyes. 'I better get back to studies.' Anastasia walked through the double doors that lead her in a big house. Anastasia life wasn't always like this, fancy things, big house.

There was a time Anastasia didn't even know who she was. Age of eight 'a forgotten child left on an island to die.' newspaper read years ago. Anastasia was just a child who had to learn everything over. Anastasia's head turned to the picture that sat perfectly on the hard coffee table. Anastasia slowly picked it up with both of her hands and held the frame tight in her baby hands. She smiled sweetly at the picture. 'I found a family that loves me.'

Anastasia's head turned quickly. Hearing a small sound. "Mom? you home?" Panic voice raising in her throat. Anastasia slowly turned back to her picture.

"That's a nice picture." Cam's voice echoed in Anastasia's ear. She gasps letting go of the frame and only heard broken glass hitting the floor. Anastasia held her hands up to her heart.

She turns her head at Cam. "How did you get in my house?" raising annoyance in her voice. Anastasia stared down at the ground. Her heart sinks at the sight of her favorite picture broken. "Cam.," Anastasia said with sadness in voice. 'I didn't mean for that to happen.' Cam thought.

Anastasia threw her small arms in the air. She bends down to the ground to pick up the broken pieces of her life.

Sam bends down and grabs her hands. "Don't pick up the glass with her hands." rudely says. Anastasia blue eyes shot up at him.

"Fine, you can clean it up then." Crossing her arms to her small chest. Leaning against the table. "Have you ever heard of knocking Cam?" Rising a bow. Cam's head moves up at her. Cam chuckles. 'of course, he's the only one that finds that funny.' Anastasia rolled her eyes.

"Don't worry I'll replace the frame." Anastasia laughs. "That frame cost over 200 dollars, it made out of real gold," Anastasia smirked. Cam's face seems shocked. "Yeah," Anastasia answered what he was thinking. Anastasia's eyes wander to the wall. "I'll just tell dad I knocked it over by accident.." says Anastasia.

Anastasia noticed how quiet Cam's has been. 'why did he come to the house in the first place?' "What's with you?" asks Anastasia using her small smile. Cam exhaled air. "It's Zac, he's been acting crazy ever since Mako Island," Cam replied. Anastasia nods. "I thought both of you agree to stay at the weekend." Grabbing an apple off of the taple. Tossing one to Cam. His big hands reached up to catch it. 'that was impressive.' Anastasia smiled taking a bite of the apple.

"Yeah, I packed all of that stuff for two days, then he freaked out about the island. He sounded crazy about the whole thing," says Cam. Anastasia tosses her eyebrow up.

"What do you mean by crazy?" biting hard into the apple for a bigger and sweeter bite. "I found him on the beach," Cam replied.

"I'm sure he just fall asleep there. We saw Zac fall in weird places before. This shouldn't be any different." Anastasia placing the apple on the table walking over to Cam.

"That's the thing, he said, he would show me the crave, but it was just a rock. I didn't understand what's he was going on about really, Annie." Cam said. Anastasia finds this all interesting. Mako was the place where Anastasia was found. Haven't been there since.

Cam stared at his apple before taking a bite. Anastasia weirdly watched him. 'wow, that was a big bite. Must mean he's a good kisser. Why would I read things like that' Anastasia pouts? Cam stares at his apple. "Your mom buys good apples." chewing his food.

"Cam why you here?" Anastasia changes the subject.

"I didn't get a chance to answer your invite before Zac pulled me away. I do want to help you study." Says Cam. 

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