24. Another Mermaid

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We got into the water, taking our time to head back home. I didn't think much about this. But Zac and Cam are right. It's beautiful down here. I feel like I could think down here as well. I can't help but smile. I was really enjoying myself. I never thought me and Zac would do this together. I could hold my breath for so long. I moved my body like Zac did. It was easy to swim down here like this. I swim close to the ground. Taking a hand full of sand and feeling it on my skin. It was nice. I loved it all. But I wish it was Cam down here with me. Seeing what I'm seeing. I want Cam to come down here with me next time.

I followed behind Zac as we swim close to the fish around us. Zac stops swimming and was staring at something. Was it a shark? or something. Then I saw it myself it was a mermaid tail like mine. There is another mermaid here. how? who is it? I thought. Zac gave me a look. I started to swim after it. When I reached at the end of the rock. She was gone already. I return a look to Zac who had the same look on his face as mine.

We both speed back to his house. We dry our self off. I sat down and put my high heels back on. "What was that Anna?" Zac panicked.

I shook my head. "It looked like my tail, Zac maybe there is another mermaid out there we don't know of," I said not looking at him.

While we were talking I saw Lyla come up to him.

"Oh look, it's time for me to do something better. Bye." I said getting up and waving Zac goodbye.

Zac gave me a look. I just shook my head. I didn't want to be around Lyla. I really didn't like her. I know Evie would get mad at me for talking to her.

. . .

I wanted to see Cam. He's on lifeguard duty today. Which I didn't mind, as long I could see him and talk to him. I wanted to tell him, I finally went in the water. I learn to use some of my powers. I wanted him to be proud of me. I walked right beside him.

"Hey," I said looking up at him with my sunglasses. To keep the sun out of my eyes.

He looked down. "Hey!" He said back. I smiled at him. I could feel my stomach have butterflies. I held on to the lifeguard chair. "What are you doing here?" He asked. I looked at him. "I went in the ocean today," I said. He jumped out of his chair. "Really?" He smiled. I nodded my head.

"How was it?" He asked. I looked at him and smiled. "It would have been better if you were down there with me," I said. He nods his head.

"Zac dragged me to Mako today to show me the land entrance," I said. Cam reached down and got himself a bottle of water. "Odd." He comments. "It was just rock. He even tries to use his powers on it?" Cam raised his eyebrow. "And?" He asked. "It didn't work." I snap.

Cam nods at me again. "I remember when I was a child there. Thinking how great the underwater caves is." I said.

Not even realizing what I said. Cam looked shocked.

"Underwater caves?" Cam repeated. How did I know that? "What?" I said. "Ariel you said 'underwater caves' how would you know that?" He asked. I looked down thinking hard. I just shook my head. "I don't know." I frowned.

"We should tell Zac," Cam suggested. "Oh, I-" He took me by the arm and dragged me with him to Zac's. Why don't I ever have a say in this?

We walked went through his door. I know Lyla was here. I wonder what they talked about. "Oh, Ann-" Cam waved his hands. "There are underwater caves!" Cam said. I stared at him. "Underwater caves?" Zac smiled. "That's what Anna said." He said looking at him. "I-" I stop myself. Zac raised a brow. "Yes, there is." I finally said.

We saw Nixie and Lyla walk through the door. I stared at hem. I shook my head. "Come on Cam, show me how you can eat 10 shrimps at once," I said taking his hand. "Yeah! totally." He smiled looking down at our hands.

"I don't like those girls," I comment. Cam laughed.

"Do you like have a little crush on Zac." He joked. I stop and turn to him. "Why do you do that?" I snap. He was taken back. "I was only-" I cut him off. "Joking?" I mocked.

"Anna-" Cam said. I stop him again. "I like you Cam and only you. It's always gonna be you. Not Zac. Not anyone else. Got it?" He nods. "You like me?" Cam said shocked. "Yes! god boys these days." I shouted, started to walk away.

"Wait. Anna. Wait-" He said catching up with me. He places his hands on my arms bringing my hands down to his. It bugged me he made a joke like that. He knows I like him. Now it's out.

"How long have you had these feelings for me?" He asked. I took me a while to think. It was questionable for a long time. I know he would want an answer. I only thought of one good one. "Always," I spoke. His eyes widen. I don't know why I said that. Just felt like the right answer to him. He didn't talk he just kissed me softly on the lips.

We kissed three times already. "Always." He said. Telling me he always liked me too. I couldn't help but laugh. The fact he felt the same way. 

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