26. Doubts

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After seeing the look on Anastasia's face. I knew she was hurt by what Zac did, it was all a shock when she broke up with him. Who could blame her? I wouldn't like it if Anastasia kept things from me . . . if we were a couple. Which we are not. I gave Anastasia one last look. Before I ran after Zac.

"Zac!" I yelled. Trying to catch up to him. "Whatever you're gonna say, just forget it, all right?" Zac snaps his words at me. I shook my head. "You can't blame Evie." she didn't do anything wrong. "I don't," Zac stated. "I always said you should've told her the truth." I pointed out. I always said it none stop.

"And I said I didn't want to hear this." Zac snaps again. He's been doing that a lot. I made a choice to drop it. "It's probably for the best, with your interesting lifestyle. About tonight. The full. You okay?" I asked. "Yeah, fine. " Zac replied. "You don't need someone to hold you down or anything?" I offered. "It's under control." Zac threw grass at the ground. "I just don't want you to go through it alone." I didn't Zac my best friend even with all the fighting we have been doing, because of he's a merman. "I won't be alone. Okay?" Zac pointed out.

I reached my arm out to stop him from walking. "What?" I asked. I wasn't sure what he meant by that. "Just forget it. I've got it nailed." Zac said. I was even more confused. "Wait. Whos helping you?" I asked. Zac turned to me. "Just drop it. You don't need to know." Zac spits at me. I know he's isn't getting help from me or Anastasia. The only two people know he's a merman. "Not Lyla and those other two chicks?" Zac didn't bother to answer that. "I will catch you later," Zac said walking away.

"Oh, so Evie is right! this is something going with you and Lyla!" I said grabbing his shoulder. "Why didn't tell me there was something between you and Anastasia." Zac fire back. Making me jump back at the words. I didn't know what to say because there was and We been keeping it from people, I know she was. "I don't know-" Zac spoke up. "You always with her. So what I don't hang out with you. So you replaced me with Anastasia?" Zac said. I didn't understand how quickly that turned. "This isn't about Anastasia." I pointed out.

"You sit here to talk about hiding things from people you care about. You have been hiding stuff from me. And I thought we were closer than that." Zac said walking away.


I saw Cam walk in after he went running after Zac, I wonder what they talked about. I really don't want to know. I stared back at Evie. We talked while they were. She said she liked my hair too. When I believe it looks horrible. "Did Zac send you back here. . . " I asked looking at him.

Cam shook his head. I can't help but think about, If Cam and I become a couple would we have fights like them. "How long have he and Lyla been together?" I asked. Cam shook his head. "He still says it's not," Cam replied. I nodded.

I saw Evie looking at us from her eyes. I felt weird having eyes like that on me. Cam walked behind me. "I saw them holding hands? the way they look at each other. . . " I stated.

"we hold hands. . ." Cam said. I quickly turned around at him. I moved my head to the side. "That's different," I replied. Cam stares at me. "Is it?" Cam questioned. I didn't understand. What was going on with him? "What do you mean?" I asked. Cam step closer to me. "I just feel like there is something going on between us, but we do nothing about it?" Cam said. I went to open my mouth. But he stops me. "Tell me when you're ready to tell me what you want," Cam stated, what did he mean by that.

I watched him walked out of the door. I don't know what I want. I don't want it to end in heartbreak. I stared up at Evie.

"I know you like him.. what's keeping you from being with each other. I see the way you look at him, how I catch you two sharing moments. It's okay to get confused. I know you guys have been friends in a long time." Evie said. I looked at her. "I don't want it to end-" "end in heartbreak. . . "Evie finished for me. I nodded my head.

"How can you say this. I've been keeping things from you. . ." I said. Evie smiled at me. "I know what you're keeping is what's been happening between you and Cam. You've been acting, which can only mean you guy kissed." Evie said she grabs my hand. "Don't let what happened with me and Zac make you rethink being with him." Evie smiled letting go of my hand. I didn't know what I want. I stared at the wall for a long time thinking. On the next day.

. . .

Being around Cam was weird ever since he basically asked me what I wanted. I couldn't give him an answer. Knowing how annoying that can be. I saw Cam and Zac sitting next to each other. I felt off. But I sat down next to Cam. He gave me a shy look. I felt like he was mad at me for not telling him what I wanted. They were talking about something. But soon as Zac looked at me. "I will leave you two to talk," Zac said getting up. I turned to stop him. I was confused already. "I told him everything that has been going on between us," Cam said. I turned back to him quickly, shocked he told him things. "Oh." was all I can say.

"Lyla and the girls are mermaids too, and they know about you," Cam said. My eyes widen. "What... " I said. Cam looked at me. "How... " I said through my teeth. "They always knew they tricked Zac," Cam replied. I shook my head. "I knew something was off with them." I pointed out. Cam laughed. I stared at him with his laughing. "What's so funny?" I asked. Giving him a look. "You're just so cute when you're all mad," Cam said. I shook my head.

Little comments like that make me question his feelings for me. How he wants to see us like. Does he even want to be a couple? I shouldn't amuse things. "Come on. Let's go to Zac's." Cam said grabbing my hand and pulling on me. "That's our talk?" I asked. Cam laughed. "No, but I rather talk you alone," Cam said.

Walking up to Zac's house. I saw The three girls waiting for Zac. "Well, well, look what the net dragged in." Cam joked.

"Zac!" Lyla shouted at him. I stared at her. Why was she here? "yeah?" Zac answered. "I'm sorry." I gave her a look. She sorry she lied to him? "forgot it." Zac said.

"Now be a good time to leave." cam said to them. They should leave, they shouldn't be here. Trying to win back Zac trust. When they fully have broken it. "What's this got to do with you?" Nixie fired back. "I'm on his team," Cam said moving his head toward Zac. "We were just trying to save you. We thought the trident would kill you." Lyla said.

"It's true!" Sierna backed up. "I don't believe you. You want the trident for yourself. " Zac replied. Lyla shook her head. "No way!" I rolled my eyes. "Because you want the power. I saw how you grabbed at it" Zac pointed out. Zac let out a chuckle. "I'm going back to mako and I'm gonna get it this time. And there nothing you can do to stop me." Zac threatens to get close to Lyla. 

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