12. Sea Water

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After the cafe, Cam and I head back to my place to figure out more about this Trident. I felt like we were going nowhere with it. We don't know much about mermaids or merman's when I think about it.

I never really spent this much time with Cam. But I like it. I felt like we need to hang out more he's been so helpful. I could trust him I know I can see he was hiding the truth from Zac, his best friend. Cam and I got very close when this Zac thing happened. I don't know if he doesn't want to be around Zac, or he actually likes spending time with me.

I just feel safe around him like nothing bad could ever happen. I stared at him while he was reading on his laptop.

I never bother to ask. "Anna?" Cam ask. He waved his hand in front of my face.

"What?" I asked. "Did you just called me Anna?" I asked him. "Um- yeah," he said.

I haven't heard him call me that in so long. It has been way too long.

"What's up?" I asked. He looked at me.

" I was thinking .. about your dreams about the water. What if we go to Mako and you get in the water?" Cam said I laughed at him.

"You know I don't like the water. " I said Cam sighed. "This is the only way to see what happened when you go in the water," Cam pushed.

"I do go in the water." I said, "No not your bath, the sea the ocean sea water." Cam said.

"Cam, listen I'm never getting into the water. At least not by myself." I said. "Fine, I'll go in with you," Cam said. I laughed. "No," I said.

"I know your not a helpless girl. Ariel, but we need to figure this out before you pass out again next time could be serious." Cam argued.

I started to think maybe he's right. I have never been in the sea water not when I was young my mother would always tell me I couldn't go in. I can only go in pool water. Even then I wouldn't go for a swim.

"Fine," I said looking at him. "We better go before we lose light," Cam suggested.

"You better wear an um- a swimsuit," Cam said I looked at myself. "Fine," I said looking at him. "What?" He asked. "Get out!" I snap. He nods. "Right!" He said walking out of the room.

I changed into my pink bathing suit. I place a shirt over it and a pair of white shorts.

I walked out of my room. "Are you gonna wear that?" I asked him. He nods. "I can go in with my shorts," Cam said.

I hate boats their such a pain in the ass. I hate being in them Cam have to beg me to get them so we can go fishing. It crazy how long it takes for me to get in them. One time I pushed Cam out of the boat for trying to speed on me. That was a while ago.

We walked to his boat. "Anna?" Evie said. I looked at her.

"Where are you going? Swimming? " Evie asked confused. "I'm going fishing with-- Cam," I said she nods. "Don't push him out again okay?" she said walking away.

"Yeah, can you not push me out this time," Cam commented.

When I mean a while goes more like a few weeks before school ever started. he should have been speeding on me. When it was my first time in the boat. It was pretty funny now I think of it.

Cam got in and helped me get in. "Ready?" Cam asked before starting up the boat. "I guess," I answered.

Took a good while to get to Mako Island.

He pushed the boat on the island. I took my first step on Mako Island. I haven't in so many years since the sea police, found me on the island. I was just a little go flashes came to my mind so easy while I touched the sand.

Cam jumped out of the boat. "Anything?" Cam asked. I nodded.

"I remember the wind and everything I remember how scared. I was but something else is clicking," I said looking around.

I don't know what I would do to myself. If I found out I am a mermaid and that my whole life has been a lie. But I don't understand Cam, told me every time Zac touches water he changed I been in my bath and everything no tail.

"Ready to go in the water?" He asked me.

I didn't want to go in, I really wanted to back out of this plan. Go home and lay in my bed all night. I don't want to know the truth.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

I shook my head. "I can't Cam, I just can't do it. What if it's true and I'm a mermaid. My whole life would have been a lie who am I really. I don't want to know Cam, I rather but this land girl with no memories than a mermaid, who didn't have parents or a family. I was six when I was here. They left me here why would they leave. I just can't okay?" I said looking at the ocean trying not to look at Cam.

"Listen Anna, being a mermaid doesn't mean your not Anastasia Young, that will always be your name. It's who you are you're my best friend. Evie friend you have a life here rather if it's because your parents drop you here, or you found your way here your still the same girl even if you had a tail," Cam said.

I know he's trying to help. I don't know what's gonna happen when I found out the truth about why I ended up here in the first place.

"Get in the water, found out if your mermaid. That's the only way you won't feel this way," Cam said. I nodded at him slowly he helped me stand up. I took off my clothes where I was just wearing my bathing suit.

I took a breathe in and out before looking at my feet. "This feels like my dream," I spoke up.

Cam looks at me. He took me by the hand. Dragging me near the water more my heart felt like it was gonna blow up in my chest. I got scared but the feeling of his hand made me feel at ease. That it's okay to go in the water that he'll be there when I go in. I won't be alone when I found out the truth.

"Cam the wave is getting closer-" I said getting scared.

"We're going in Anna," Cam said pushing me into the water. When I felt the coldness of the water my mind quickly tell myself 'You're not a mermaid'

Nothing happened. I started to laugh. "It's not true," I said smiling I hugged Cam because I'm not this mermaid.

Cam looked confused about everything he really did think I was a mermaid. He tried everything to help me and I'm so happy about that.

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