21. Don't Be Scared

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Cam came back to me with, papers on about the trident. I didn't know to say to him. But I know it was time to tell Zac the truth, about the trident and, all of Cam theories on it. Cam wanted us to go to Zac and tell him about the Trident. I know the last time Cam and Zac talked was at his pool party. They still haven't made up yet, and it worried me that they never will. I was okay, with telling Zac everything, but what is everything? including our kiss we shared? I wasn't sure at this point.

Cam and I walked through Zac door, that happened to be open. Cam held the papers behind his back.

"Guess you've been wondering what I've have been up to," Cam said. Zac closed his laptop, he stood up. "Every waking minute," Zac replied. Zac walked up and got a water. I stared at him. "I saw you in the computer lab today. You were locked into something." Cam said. "Oh, yeah. Just downloading a game." Zac said. Taking a drink from his water.

I didn't know about this computer lab thing? why am I just hearing about it now? Cam shove his hands into his pockets.

"Yeah, for sure weird thing... the principal came sniffing around your workstation after you left," Cam said. Zac looked shocked by that.

"What did she want?" Zac asked. "Didn't say." He replied. Zac looked like he was thinking. "Don't worry, I kept my mouth zipped," Cam said. I'm guessing he said that, to get Zac talking. What was on his computer. Cam didn't tell me everything, once again.

Zac chuckled. "I wasn't downloading a game." Cam smiled. "Yeah, I know." Cam smiled back. Cam went into his pocket and pulled out a paper. "I found a website that you might wanna take a look," Cam said. Cam looked down at the paper. Zac was on the edge of his seat.

"The Trident signifies great power. It has been associated with oceans of the world for many thousands of years." Cam read handing Zac the paper, so he could take a look at it.

"It is said that the merman who is given the task of carrying the trident ... is one with the gods." Zac read looking up at us. I stared at Cam, did he not say anything about me. Cam chuckles. "A god.." Cam said looking at me. He knows the truth. "Hey don't get any ideas. It's bad enough having a fish for a friend." Cam joked. Zac smiled. "Thanks," Zac said.

. . .

Lyla POV:

I saw Rita walking up to us. She held up a picture. "Why is Cam so interested in this?" Rita asked.

I stared at the picture, along with Sirena. I looked up at her. It was the Trident. Sirena looked at me, as I grab the picture.

"Maybe we should tell her," Sirena told me. "It's not Cam, it's Anastasia. When we went to Mako together, she used her powers against me. We ended up opening a land entrance." I said. Rita nods. "And Zac saw the trident there? What were you thinking? why didn't you tell me?" Rita said. "We thought we could handle it," I said.

"Handle it? The trident has powers that you can't even begin imagine." Rita said. I looked up at the picture again.

"Like what?" I asked. I was thinking about what Nixxie said. That Anastasia could be the missing princess. If she gets her hand on it what could she do? It was something I wanted to tell Rita, but she was already upset.

Rita just looked at me. "Okay, I should've told you. But if we're gonna stop Zac, you need to tell us everything." I said. "She right. We need to know." Sirena argued. Eons ago, before men lived in cities, a pod of mermen rose up out of Mako carrying the trident before them. " Rita walked passed us. "The same trident that Zac saw?" Sirena stated.

"Their strength and their power were horrendous and destructive. Finally, they were overcome by an army of mermaids drawn from all the five oceans. They seized the trident and hid it and commanded for mermaid princess that it will never be unlocked again." Rita said. I stared at her. "I've got a feeling things just got a whole lot worst," I stated.

. . .

Anna POV:

I hoped by now, Zac understands everything now. But I keep thinking about the Trident. Why would it be locked away on Mako? Is it that dangerous for us? There was no way to tell, why the trident would be at Mako, but Zac told us he saw it there. He did touch it. I started to think, what if I touch it? what would happen? It had me all worried at this point. I saw on Jetty in front of my house. Looking down at the water. Thinking maybe I should give this whole mermaid a try. I'm not sure how everything would go, but I wanted Cam down there with me. At least, so I won't feel alone down there. How long could I hold my breath? I remember Zac said he could last longer than 20 minutes. I didn't like this idea, but for Cam, I was willing to try it.

I saw Cam walk up to me. He sat down right next to me. He didn't say anything. We sat there for a while not talking which I didn't really mind. I stared down at the water. Thinking about swimming in it.

"When will you be ready to go to Anna?" Cam broke the silence we had. I looked up at him. I didn't know what to say. I don't think I could ever be ready. "I don't know Cam, I'm not this person," I said. I nod at him. Looking at me. I didn't mind it when he would look at me. "I'm scared, Cam," I spoke. He could tell I was. He knows me the best. "I know you are. But you don't have to be scared of me." He said. It made me smile again.

He's was right. When I'm with him. I didn't have to be afraid of anything but one small thing. My own feelings. I always have to be scared of those. I wanted to show him. I'm not afraid not with him. I stood up from the jetty. I was gonna jump in the water. I looked down at him. He only gave me a smile. Like he was proud of me. My breath was so easy to breathe out. I wanted him to understand how I felt for him. Cam made everything so easy for me. I didn't want to do this alone. I wanted to do it all with Cam and only Cam.

I was scared but I wasn't scared to be me. I jumped off the jetty only to hit the water. I felt the coldness of the water. Then I watched my own legs turn to a tail. It took me a while to swim up in the water. To see Cam on his feet looking at me. But he had a smile. Before he dived into the water to be with me. I turned and saw him all wet. I laughed. But it was a happy laugh. He swims to me, only to place a kiss on my lips again. But this time there was no shock. It was perfect. I raised my tail up in the water, near Cam. We both ended up laughing with each other. 

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