17. Exam's

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When I woke up I realize what day it was. I sighed at the fact that all day at school, I'll be taking exams. I mean I have been studying but still, It's the hardest test of the year. Everyone in my class is freaking out about it. I know Evie been going crazy about it I have been studying with her for a couple of days. I understand why she coming from. The worst thing about it that today. I have to sit in the worst teacher classroom. My mother always makes fun of her she rude to everyone that's in her class. My mother has been making me study for the test. Rather than hanging out with my friends. She has been pushing me to pass this exam I know it's important, but she been going on about it at all.

. . .

I have been feeling bad with Cam. I haven't hanged out with him since that movie night. Like I said my mother been bugging me to study instead of hanging out with people. I could hang out with my friends but, we have to study the whole time and. I haven't been feeling bugging Cam, I think he's still pretty upset about the whole thing. I just feel horrible. We haven't talked since that night so I'm kind of scared to see him or even talk to him in fact.

I got a group text which I never get it says "come to the cafe for a group study before school." I replied. I'm on my way, I have no idea who else is in the group but I guessed. It's Cam, Zac, David, and Evie.

After I got dressed, I packed my study notes and everything I would need to Study. I left my house was empty my mother at school. Getting ready to give all her students their test and my dad had to leave early for paperwork.

I walked all way to the cafe before I just saw Evie sitting at a table by herself. I slowly took a seat next to her she smiled at me like she always does when he sees me. "Hey!' she said smiling. I give her a smile back before. I saw Cam and Zac walk in. I felt like my heart was gonna beat out of my chest in a way when I saw him.

I saw Cam sit at a table by himself Zac walked up to us. "Hey you can sit here if you want," Zac said.

Quickly grabbing my stuff without even looking at them. I rushed to Cam table he looked up at me.

"Hello," he said looking at me. "Are you mad at me?" I asked.

He shook his head. "No why?" He asked. I quickly shook my head. "I just thought you might be at all," I said looking at my book.

Nixie walked into the cafe. Cam rushed up to her and I felt this odd feeling when he did that. "Hey, Nixie," Cam said. "Give us a lowdown on miss Santos?" Cam asked. She looked at him and replied back with "Miss who?"

Cam raise a brow at her. I'm guessing he was little confused with her answer. "The principal? Your aunt?" he said.

"Aunt Rita," she said.

"What sort of mood's she in today? Easy exam, tough exam?" Cam asked. Nixie gave him a look she had no idea what he was talking about. Little slow?

"Was she smiling? happy, upbeat?"

"Oh, yeah, all of those things," Nixie said.

"Then it's gonna be killer," Cam commented.

Cam came back and sit next to me and I just stared at him.

"I can't take any more of this, let's just go," Evie said. We all got up and put our stuff away. and head our way to school. The feeling of going to school and do this long ass exam is something I never want to do.

We walked to our lockers. I could hear what Evie was saying to Zac I felt bad she really thinks she gonna failed this test I hope she doesn't. But I can't do anything to help her cheating is a horrible thing to do. It's wrong.

"How are you?" Cam asked. I looked at him. "Good," I said. I felt like this was really weird why are we acting this way. "What do you think about the exam?" He asked. I looked for my thoughts. "I have been studying a lot. I didn't have time for anything else really." I replied. He nods. "I came to your house the other day and you're my mom said you were busy," Cam said. I looked at him he came by? my mom never told me. "Yeah, she has been bugging me to study all day and every day," I said. He nods at me.

I felt Zac hands on me. "Look after her I'll be right back," Zac said running away I didn't understand what just happened. I give Evie a look.

It was a while since Zac left I have no idea what he's doing. I pulled on Cam Shirt and said in his ear. "Find Zac now," I said. he nodded at me and walked away. "Where is he going?" Evie asked. I try to think of something. "To get me some water," I said.

Cam came back and gave me a shook look that was telling me. He didn't find him at all. What was he doing? we all sat near the water looking at our books studying again. Then I hear Evie phone go off and she stared at it in a way that had me worry.

I see Zac running up to her and sat next to her. Zac sent her something what did he send her that was so important. "What do you have there?" Cam asked. "You alright there?" Zac asked. "I'm good," Cam answered.

"What did you send Evie?" He asked. "Nothing," Zac answered. 

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