Prologue: Before Abandonment

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The young girl about four years old is playing at the park, alone. A group of bullies began to surround her while she was swinging on the swing set, she stopped and got off when one boy pushed her onto the ground roughly when hitting the ground her elbow got scraped.

"Ow! Why are you always-" before she could finish a boy smacked her across the face that left a stinging sensation on her cheek "No one cares about you!" one boy said and before to long a yellow haired boy jumped into the park from a top of a tree slamming his foot into the bullies face with his little smirk crossing his lips.

The bullies immediately started pounding his face in the ground and when they were done, they left feeling proud of themselves. The girl, of course, helped him up and brought out her special napkin to wipe the blood from his face "I'm sorry... You shouldn't have got involved.." the girl sounding sad for she is to blame for his injuries.

"You're wrong!" the yellow haired boy shouted as he got up and helped her onto her feet by reaching out his hand that she grasped with a smile at his kindness "Don't blame yourself." the girl could see how honest his eyes were because those eyes lit up with such warmness. However she couldn't help but blame herself still, "You're the kid who gets bullied a lot by the village, aren't you?" by observing the boys face at that question she asked could already tell from his saddened expression.

The young girl patted his head with a warm smile "It's alright. We'll be friends, if that's... okay?" the boy hearing her stutter ever so lightly nodded with his biggest goofy smile on his face as he grabbed her hand dragging her to his 'secret' hiding spot. When arriving they played by climbing tree's or playing tag for quite a couple hours and when a uchiha teenager boy arriving he'd yell for his little step sister "Tsukiyomi! Where are you little sister!?" but he could hear playing and giggling so he followed the noises and when he arrived, there were two children playing tag and he could only smile at such an adorable sight. He walked out in front of the two waving at his sister with a smile "Big brother!!" she tackle hugged into his arms with a big smile "I see you're friends with Naruto. Please do watch over her whenever you are together Naruto." Naruto smiled at his kindness and nodded.

Tsukiyomi waved bye to the yellow haired boy as she departed with her big brother, Shisui, while alone silence was in the air "Tsuki-Chan, I need you to promise me something." he knelt right in front of her so he'd be on her level "You must keep your real parents a secret, if anything got out trouble could stir up. You're Bloodline must always be kept hidden." he said seriously with a small smile on his lips and she nodded in agreement with the promise. They continued on their way home but stopped at the training grounds for a bit hanging out with Itachi and Little Sasuke, who she's encountered many times but never got the courage to talk to them.

"Hey Itachi! Hi there Sasuke!" Shisui yelled, while Little Tsuki follows behind him, hiding behind his legs. Little Sasuke stood by Itachi when he got close to them and out of the corner of his eyes caught someone behind him "Who's that Shisui?" Sasuke asked, curious.

"She's my little sister. I hope you two will become good friends Sasuke." he smiled at his answer, as for the little girl who came out was stuttering quite a bit "H-hh-hi!" she turned her head blushing in embarrassment but the little raven haired kid came to her and patted her on the head smiling and a blush even redder than an apple shifted onto her face, and than a smile with small blushes.

"How about you face my little sister Itachi? I've been teaching her a few things." Shisui said. but the tall black haired man was debating if he should really fight a child, "Sure.. I guess?" in response to his question or demand, more like. Both getting into a fighting stance position, the little ravened haired girl had a small grin on her face with excitement "I-i'm ready Itachi-San!" and with those words, the fight begins!

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