Chapter XIII: An Uchiha's Betrayal. . . !?

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The figure Naruto saw was none other than. . . Tsukiyomi?! "Why..!?" he yelled ". . ." she stayed silent but Kisame slammed his Samahada onto the ground which startled Naruto but when he walked out of the room as told by Itachi, Kisame had threatened to cut his legs off so he couldn't runaway from them "It's useless. . You cannot escape." Tsukiyomi whispered.

When everything seemed like it was going perfect. . . "It's been a while. . Sasuke." As the fish man looked behind him he seen the Sharingan . . "Ohoho.. Today must be special. I get to see someone with the Sharingan, a third time." this confused Sasuke a bit as his glaring stayed on Itachi who had his back towards him; "I will. . . Kill you!"

'This is the man Sasuke desired to kill. . but doesn't Tsukiyomi desire the same!? Why is she going with him!? Damn IT!!' Naruto yelled inside his own mind, the blonde would take glanced towards Tsukiyomi, feeling as if his heart is breaking. Sasuke seen Naruto's glance and followed it. . what shocked him was Tsukiyomi in the same attire as his brother "Tsukiyomi!? What are you doing with them!?" She looked at him darkly and said, "To destroy a certain Village, of course. Not that it's any of your business. I desire power, Itachi can teach me what I need to know.. But I desire to meet a certain man I met a very long time ago. That is all you're worth knowing.. Sasuke." Sasuke clicked his tongue [tsk] while paying his attention back onto his older brother; Itachi Uchiha.

"I've been wanting to say this to you.. I've lived hating you and that I've lived to only kill you. I have lived for this!!" Sasuke charged his chidori and ran towards Itachi with his left hand slammed into the walls while running towards him at full speed and Itachi swiftly moved his hand towards the young uchiha boys hand that held the chidori. A large explosion occurred with the wall blown to pieces but with his wrist held by none other than his older brother who also snapped his wrist and he screamed in agony.

Tsukiyomi noticed Naruto releasing his Nine-Tails Chakra, therefore appeared in front of him which shocked the blonde boy while he got kicked into the stomach thus sent him straight into the ground sliding as he hit the wall with his head. Just when Tsukiyomi was about to head after Naruto again when he stood up Jiraya appeared in front of her "So. . You're betraying the Hidden Leaf Village.. Your father will be very disappointed." this angered her. . "They're dead. He's no father of mine!" when she shouted her Mangekyou Sharingan activated, this had Jiraya shocked at this child who was only 12-13 years old and had the Mangekyou - thus he took her seriously and kicked her towards Sasuke, even after having his wrist snapped he caught her and pinned her against the wall with his arm against her throat; "Don't plan on letting go. . . Sasuke?" his eyes glared at her full of holes but knocked her out which caused her body to go limp and fall onto the ground instantly.

"Hn." Itachi looked over towards the knocked-out uchiha girl but moved his glance at Sasuke who wanted to continue their fight "Stay out of this.. All of you." Sasuke shouted only to be kicked by his elder brother, the mans younger brother hit the wall hard that everyone could hear a crack "I have absolutely no interest in you." but then Sasuke got up yelling "Come on!!" immediately he appeared within a small distance between him and his younger brother as he kneed him in the belly and elbowed him in the neck, then kneed him in the chin as Sasuke coughed up blood from all the beatings he received, then received a fist to the stomach and then kicked him into the stomach right after and punched him one more time which had him cough up more blood and fell to the ground.

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