Chapter XI: Love Is A Curse In and Of Itself

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Shikamaru Nara POV

I came to the hospital to see Choji but he wasn't permitted visitors.. When I was just about to leave they brought up Naruto's name, so what the heck? Walked right into his room and layed down a basket full of fruits, he was snoring a little "Hey.. Finally awake" "Why am I here with you..? Where is the Perverted Sannin?" I laughed, "Hah, how would I know? Well it sucks but I came to see Choji and they said you were sleeping here so..." Naruto had something on his mind "Huh? His injuries were that serious..?" I shook my head in response "Don't get confused, Choji ate so much that he injured his stomach."

Naruto started laughing "That's just like him" "Oh yeah!! I brought Choji a Fruit Basket but the Doc. says no so I thought we could eat it."

"Heh.. You aren't the type to have girls visit you so.." I said, "You're a pretty nice guy." I responded immediately "You idiot!! It's only because it would go to waste if I let it spoil." Naruto brought up the idea of eating it in front of Choji "Huh? You tire me out..." but agreed  when we were walking down the hall but we seen this Gaara guy head towards a room.. Lee!

I had used my Shadow Possession Jutsu the moment we walked into Lee's room and caught this sand ninja Gaara in it stopping him from killing our comrade as Naruto punched him it had bent my head roughly to the side with the ninja.

Uchiha Tsukiyomi POV

Upon entering in the far side of the Hospital I heard someone shout "Hey!! What were you trying to do to thick-brows!!?" that nickname could only mean.. Naruto? Why is he in Lee's room and who is he yelling at? .. Sighing I began to walk towards the room number 219 which was Rock Lees room and when entering I saw Naruto, Shikamaru and Gaara?

Gaara had a glare as he said, "I was trying to kill him.." "What!?" Naruto shouted, then Shika began to ask why "You won the fight! Do you have some personal grudge against him?" The sand ninja with the gourd had no emotions when he mentioned he did not "I just want to kill him.. because I want too."

Naruto yelled saying"What the hell are you talking about bastard!!?" I pushed the two aside as I looked at Gaara sternly "Hn." this had caught his attention towards me "Tsuki..yomi?" Gaara mumbled "If either of you get in my way.. I'll kill you." Shikamaru spoke up "Your.. one heck of a monster aren't ya?" "I won't lose to the likes of you!! I have a real monster inside of me!" This caught my attention and Gaara's.

"Gaara why not talk about your story of why you do, what you do? I would like to understand you more." Gaara looked at me with an emotionless expression but nodded and I observed him closely as to what his life story is...

"Naruto.. right? You called yourself a monster.. Then it's the same for me. As you said I had a messed up childhood. I was born into this world by taking the life of a woman who I would call 'mother'. To become the ultimate shinobi... with my father attaching the incarnation of sand on me with a ninjutsu... I was born a monster." I listened closely as my heart skipped a beat of him losing his mother at birth...

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