Story of Tsukiyomi Uchiha 3/3: Akatsuki's Final Plans

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Tsukiyomi has trained diligently with Orochimaru for the past year as promised by her. She did find out that the snake is trying to kill off the Akatsuki Members or letting the Leaf Village do it for them.. it angered her tremendously but kept it to herself.

Pain Sensei himself was awaiting her return from Orochimaru. She had just entered the Hidden Rain Village, she noticed him waiting by himself until a orange masked man Tobi appeared with the Akatsuki Cloak on himself this time unlike when she met him in the past. She walked up to the two manly figures who had a dark aura around them and stopped in front of them "It's been such a long time. Hasn't it, Tsukiyomi?" Of course she chuckled at his darkly sense of humor his voice let out "Indeed. Though I wasn't expecting you to meet me" he only let out a darkly chuckle as Pain stepped a inch forward and patted her head while keeping a dark aura around him still, but she knew he had a soft side for her like his very own child, she closed her eyes enjoying the pats he gave to her.

The three started walking while the rain continued to pour and they stopped at a place to get a bite to eat, so they sat down in a seat awaiting for a waiter or waitress to come get their orders. Tobi was beside the female uchiha akatsuki member and Konan appeared behind the three "Pain we need you at base" of course he didn't ask why and left with her. The two were alone together and when the waiter came by he took their order, Tobi ordered first "I will have Onigiri and some Dango" then he awaited the young lady to order "I will have the same as him, also get some hot tea for the two of us" the waiter nodded and left the two alone.

"So.. Why are you still here? Don't you normally go with Pain Sensei?" Tsukiyomi asked, he only chuckled "I'm interested in how you feel" 'How I feel?' she thought and just shrugged it off as nothing. Their orders had arrived and Tsukiyomi started eating the Onigiri that she had ordered and saving the Dango and Tea for last. Tobi took his mask off, and lets say it peaked her interest even while eating.. his face was handsome, so handsome it mesmerized her and before she knew it, the Onigiri was gone from her eating it without paying attention.

Tsukiyomi knew his features resembled a hot good-looking Uchiha. Tobi finished eating his Onigiri and started on his Dango and Tea, so she decided to do the same.

After the two got done eating Tobi reattached the mask onto his face and the two walked out. When she felt the rain hit her it gave her chills through out her body which felt good to her - she sat down at a bench watching the rain fall, Tobi did the same "I've always loved Rain and Storms.. They help me cope with my emotions sometimes. But mostly.." Tobi cut her off with a kiss to her soft cold lips, she noticed his mask was off and that his lips were connected with her own, before she knew it he had warped them to a random roof top building where the two could be alone "You're beautiful as always" she wanted to continue but stopped and pulled away and he knew why and so the two stopped at that "Hmm. I'm guessing you have feelings for someone else? If so I can change that" She knew deep down that the feelings that haunted her were the ones for that damn blonde dobe.

The two appeared in the Akatsuki Hideout with silence between the two and went their own ways 'My lips.. I've been kissed by many but it doesn't feel right unless.. NO. I'm not thinking about that.. I must close my heart off, and I know exactly how too' she thought to herself.

"Pain Sensei!" She yelled while walking towards him which he gave her his attention "What is it?" "I want a mission.. One where I can kill without being stopped.. Maybe an entire village or town would be good for me." He nodded and gave her a village she could willingly destroy and erase it off the map "They have information on us. Sure you can do this alone?" But Tobi intervened "Tobi wants to see her in action!!!~~" he rolled around on the ground which made them sweat drop.

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