Chapter VII: Land of Waves - Don't Die

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(I'm probably going to put the POV back on here because even I got slightly confused but I thought it was better but ya' know. Sorry for my mind changing every so often!)

?????? Short POV

I've been sighing ever since my twin brother left to go to The Land of Waves, grandpa has noticed it too "I know you miss him Naruko just wait it out okay? He'll be back." His words always made me feel better.

Sakura Haruno POV

I awoke next to Tsukiyomi-Chan, apparently I had a strong grip on her arm when sleeping. My cheeks were blushing 'how could I go from loving Sasuke to loving Tsukiyomi?' I thought to myself but a gut feeling tells me she's not exactly ready for a commitment with being loved or wanting it whatsoever and the crazy thing is.. It's a feeling nothing else.

Her eyes slowly flickered open and her glance is on me when she moved her head to the side so she could look at me "Hey Tsukiyomi-Chan, how was your sleep?" For the first time she chuckled at me, is she opening up to me or what?

A knocking sound could be heard from our door room but before we could separate it opened.. Kakashi Sensei really has no patience..

"Hel-" He took a glance at us and saw our faces of embarrassment. He sighed pretty annoyingly and worriedly "Okay. We need to have a talk about everything that's happened." he shut the door behind him and sat down with his back against the door.. no escape.

Tsukiyomi had gotten up folding her arms across the chest area while turning her back against Kakashi Sensei "I haven't done anything wro-" "Not yet. You cannot keep leading others on even if it's not intentional." his facial expression is quite serious that it's getting tense in our room "..... Leading them on? I have no clue what you mean." I saw Kakashi get a bit angry now and slam his hand onto the ground "You know that's a lie. I saw or should I say.. I was spying on you when you left our house at nighttime to make sure you didn't go anywhere that was unnecessary. But he did something he should not have done, did he not?" She turned towards Kakashi with anger "So!? I didn't know he'd-" and just like that they began to argue over late occurrences.

Tsukiyomi didn't hold back when she let her words out either.. I felt sorry for the two. "Uhg.. You're annoying!! You're not my father so quit acting like it!" this had hurt Kakashi badly ".... And someone like you isn't my daughter, I know how she really acts towards me." He got up opened the door and slammed it behind him "Tsukiyomi... I-I'll go and leave you to your thoughts." I left the room as well going down stairs to see if Kakashi Sensei is alright.

Kakashi Hatake Short POV

I walked out of the house and had Sasuke, Naruto and eventually Sakura came looking for me so I took them out to do some training. After I had explained the Training Course, Sakura helped them out and began to do their training.

Sakura finished first above the other two so I let my words come out harshly "Sakura will be Hokage before you Naruto. And... I guess the Uchiha Clan isn't that great." Little did I know.. I'd come to regret those words.

Tsukiyomi POV

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