Story of Tsukiyomi Uchiha 1/3: Journey

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This is what leads towards Book Two. It's her journey for what she seeks, and what she will become in Book Two, there will be Three Parts through her Journey that you will see how and what changes her exactly to become even darker than she had already become, and the reasons behind it all that forces changes upon her, sit back and enjoy!

The Uchiha Girl, had gone off to a mission that she asked Pain Sensei to assign her too. Upon arriving at the destination that was given onto her, entering the dark-like cavern that seems to be like a dungeon with screams heard through-out the hallway of the place; when she stopped, a menacing feeling crawled up her spine and turned around kicking the door open and once it hit the ground there stood 'The Snake Man' aka.. Orochimaru.

Two others stood there, Kabuto and the other Uchiha Sasuke. She had an emotionless expression as she looked at the three; but Sasuke's surprise could be seen across his face. The four sat down in chairs to talk about a deal; to see if The Snake Man is interested "Orochi-Sensei It's been quite a long time, hasn't it? How are you?" Uchiha Girl, asked with no emotions from her words. He chuckled, "Fine my dear. But what deal are you here to make exactly, you have my power as a gift too, you know. Or. . . Is there something else you want?" this caught her attention.

 She stood up as her eyes were locked onto the snake man and said, "There is. I hear you've experimented on some subjects with each Tailed Beasts Chakra and you finally had successes. I'm here to ask.. " the snake stopped her by moving his finger to her lips "Shush.. Say no more. 'Power' is what you desire. But.. I have something far greater than those Tailed-Beasts Chakra supply; I've created a new Curse Mark with little of each beast but it's only meant for one person; you, Tsukiyomi Uchiha." Orochimaru patted her head just like that one time he did a long time ago. She closed her eyes remembering how it felt to be patted and how gentle he is, like always.

The Snake stood up while pushing the chair back "You must stay for a year, at least my dear. I'll train you. I promise nothing will stop me from being a 'Harsh Trainer' on you" She, of course, chuckled at how he tried to sound perverted "Am I that beautiful, Orochi-Sama? Besides... If it's made for my Birth Lineage Curse Mark, I accept. My mother had one too.. So I need more power and I'll master it on my own." Orochi nodded in agreement as the four went off to designate which room she will be staying in for the next year.

Kabuto and Orochi had left the two alone as Sasuke was given an order to show where she will be staying inside the hideout. The Male Uchiha had shown her to the room that she'll be staying in for the next year "Hn." is all that came from him as she entered, she had no idea that he followed inside when the door shut; he stood closely behind her grabbing her waist. Sighing could be heard from her lips "What do you think-" she had been pushed against her bed with Sasuke on top of her smirking at her "I've missed you. . Tsukiyomi" She looked into his eyes and seen the softness in them before saying anything back at him, he pushed his body closer to hers but only to have been pushed back on his ass "Not interested" and grabbed him by his shoulder helping him up and pushing him outside her door, thus shutting the door loudly where it could be heard as an echo through-out the hideout.

Sasuke sighed outside of the door and started mumbling 'You will be mine, sooner or later. . . Watch your back' he thought, Tsukiyomi knew he was still by her door but when she heard foot steps walking away she sighed 'Damn it. Love isn't important right now. I'll. . . Destroy everything. That's all that matters' she thought to herself. Tsukiyomi had stripped her clothes off, only laying under the covers with panties and a bra on, soundless breathing could be heard, thus meaning that slumber has fallen onto her.

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