Chapter V: Change of Heart

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Naruto Uzumaki First POV

We was going to be heading out on a mission until Kakashi Sensei told us to meet him at a small bridge near a certain street, so we did but Tsukiyomi was no where to be found.

Once we made it to the location Kakashi was leaning against the bridges railing, he took a glance at us with a sad expression, "Everyone.. we need to talk." he said.

We looked at each other confused at whats happening  "They only have two squadmates so Tsukiyomi is going into their team." We were all stunned at what he told us, Sakura is upset which I found to be surprising.

"Why Kakashi Sensei?!" I yelled, "If I told you three.. it would only hurt you." but we continued on pressuring him, so he sighed and gave in "She called the three of you useless, worthless teammates who are not worth dying for, she hates how you all argue when you should be working as a team and doesn't want no part of any of you." He said coldly, my heart ached and I ran to go find 'her'.

Tsukiyomi First POV

I saw Naruto talk to my new teammate I smirk, "What's wrong.. Wimp." I say coldly and he stands in front of me thinking he can intimidate me "Why are you doing this to our team?! We all care for you-" I interrupt him quickly as possible "Oh? Prove it by fighting for me then. If you win I'll go back, If you don't win.. Well you have to do me a favor." he quickly agreed to it so we went to the training grounds. 

Kakashi, Sakura and Sasuke were already there to watch our fight as was my supposedly new team as well. Naruto and I got into our fighting stances, he pulled out a kunai than started running towards me as I do the same; he swung the kunai at me but I countered it by moving my hand below his wrist and twisting it which caused him to drop it as I then knee him in the stomach and I move his twisted hand over my shoulder causing him to be thrown a great distance from me while he skids across the ground.

"Grr.." I glanced at him slightly seeing how hard he's trying to stand up "Shadow Clone Jutsu!" he shouts which than there is seven blonde haired boys running towards me. Somehow one of his clones got behind me and pushed me forward, 'I refuse to use the Sharingan on such a weakling!'  I muttered; I back flipped away from the other clone I was pushed towards while the clone that pushed me from behind slid under my flip to grasp both my legs which would have caused me to hit the ground but as the clone stands while holding my legs I use my hands to grip the ground, the other blondy's closing in on my destination, I moved my upper body upwards while the clone holds onto my legs and using my arms in front of me to block the incoming attack, only for me to make a miscalculation a clone above me slammed both hands onto my head causing me to slam into the ground.

I stayed on the ground dumb struck.. "" I muttered while his clones disappeared into a puff of smoke and he knelt down before me "I'll never stop trying! I'll never give up! Believe IT!" I looked up but only to become infuriated at losing to a idiot! I pushed myself up and brought my palm his to chin which I effortlessly brought him into the air and used my other palm to slam into his stomach thus causing him to feel a slight sting sensation as he flew backwards and hitting a tree that began to crack "You think you've won?! How Naive!" I stood there awaiting to see if he'll get up sadly to my dismay he did get back up.

"Heh.. We're rivals just like Sasuke and I!" he shouted, what's wrong with this idiot?! "You're... beneath me!" I yelled running towards him and he did the same I caught his punch, and he caught mine; "Buffoons like you...! Don't deserve to be praised! You haven't had anything to lose from the beginning!!" I shouted a top my lungs as I pushed him backwards and jumped bringing my foot above his head and slamming the foot on his head causing him to be slammed into the ground, than I back flipped away to gain a certain distance only for him to get back up with blood dripping from his mouth "You're the first to acknowledge me! I don't know why.. why you changed but I know deep down you care about everyone!" he shouted, this... stupid idiot. Those words somehow pierced my heart like a knife but I've learned to hide any emotion..

As I started running towards him he stayed still and just when I swung my fist he caught it, and brought me into a hug, a very tight hug, I didn't hug back since he had my arms in his grip. "N...naruto." when he still held onto my waist when I looked at him in the eyes I couldn't help but stare into those blue eyes of his.. "That's enough lovey-dovey you two." Kakashi Sensei said out loud, making Naruto blush a little while I turned around and slowly glanced at Sasuke's displeasing facial expression.

In the end I stayed with Team Seven and we started doing these chore like missions.. "Sasuke, at point A, Sakura at point B." Kakashi Sensei whispered, "Naruto is at point C and I'm at point D Kakashi Sensei." I also whispered "Head out and get the target-" A meow was heard and it seems the cat was being held in Tsukiyomi's arms "What a cute little kitty.." everybody sweatdropped and also looked amazed that a emotion was crossing her lips as she patted the kitten, "Mission done everyone." I jumped towards the Hokage Building while everyone else is doing the exact same.

"Oh my little kitten! How mommy missed you!!" The lady told the kitten from my arms and started hugging it.. to death.. 'Poor little kitten..' I mumbled "Well now we'll have you do more missions inside the leaf-" Naruto interrupted the Third Hokage "NO!! I want a better mission and exciting one! I can handle any mission, Believe IT!" He smirked with confidence and the third gave in sighing "Fine.. You will be taking a escorting mission. Come in!" A drunk wobbly old man came walking in "This little brat and the small midget princess are suppose to protect me!?" As if knowing what would happen Kakashi told Sasuke and Sakura to hold me down while he held Naruto, both pinky and raven hair held me back as much as they could "Let me at him!" eventually I calmed down "No killing the client." Sensei sighed as he said it.

... "Yes sir." I muttered as we were told to head to the Front Gate and I did exactly as I were told. Later at the Front Gate "We are to escort Tazuna to the Land of Waves." we all nodded and left to head for the Land of Waves.

Sorry for the short chapter! I hope everyone enjoys it I'm not that great at paragraphing or grammar sometimes so please forgive me if I mess up. Please do tell me what you think in the comments section below, and tell me about your day!

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