Story of Tsukiyomi Uchiha 2/3: Despair's Loneliness....

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***Three Months Later***

That day changed me. I should have killed them, all of them, even if it meant her hating me.. I'll bring you back, I swear it. Even if I have to sacrifice someone to do it, I'll create a Forbidden Jutsu of my own where I can give you your life back by forcing someone else to lose their life permanently. I'm now in the Hidden Sound Village where I'm constantly under Orochimaru's watch, I'm training nonstop after that incident. I know who I will sacrifice to revive you.. Even if you resent me for bringing you back to the World of The Living, I'll take your hatred, your anger, your.... I felt my cheeks "Tears.. I'm crying. Damn it.." I mumbled.


I fell onto my knees awaiting for the Tento sword to pierce through me but it didn't, for when I felt nothing my eyes opened to see her face.. her blood lips with blood coming out of them ".. T..thank.. you... for....lov..." and she fell to the side. But to me it was in slow motion as her body fell, I couldn't take my eyes off of her, my heart sunk as if I couldn't breathe... then I felt new profound power but I don't know exactly how to use this but out of rage I could.

"I'll... Kill YOU ALL!!" I grasped both the Leaf Ninjas throats instantly with each hand squeezing the life out of them but I didn't let that kill them.. I smashed there necked and when everyone heard it some backed away "S..she just snapped their neck with one .. hand each."  I grabbed their Tentos and dashed at the towns people, I've gotten cut badly but I didn't care. I refused to use my Mangekyo Sharingan. I swung furiously slicing most if not all the peoples throats or arms off and watching them bleed to death while others couldn't move out of fear.

But the people ran towards me with weapons in hand but they stopped suddenly "Wind Style: Air Bullet!!", since I'm still surrounded it impacted me as an explosion occurred afterwards. I was almost on my knees but I used the Tentos to keep myself from doing so, Damn I'm bloody. But its time to kill them!! I dashed at them colliding countless times with our Tento Swords, me dual wielding the ones I had taken from those corpses.

"Enough! Lightning Style: Sword Electrocution!" Lightning exploded onto the Tento Swords I wielded and slowly used my right hand to move my sword to slash towards the ones on that side which had cut some in half while others got struck by the volts of the attack. I did the same thing with my left hand, except I ran at them slashing at them with swords, some had been cut in half, some headless. But some I tortured nonstop "Hahahaha!!! Scream for me!! SCREAM!!!!" I kept slashing every single body.. knowing full well they were all now dead. My body was so damaged no to soon after I felt unconscious but I heard a familiar voice "You sure did.. Some cruel things, my dear" Damn you.. Orochimaru...

I spent weeks locked up in my room back at the snakes hideout. Today Sasuke was to visit me. Speak of the devil "Hey.. How are you..?" he said, but I sure as hell couldn't say I'm doing fine. "Terrible. If only I had-" I was cut off with Sasuke hugging me. Damn you Sasuke. My tears fell but when he broke apart the hug he wiped those tears off and slightly chuckled at my dispense.. He's an ass.

It's been another week, I'm now walking around and training to become stronger. I cannot and will not rely on my Sharingan all the time. Becoming stronger in my own way is also another way to gain power. Hatred is all I need now. 

I'm training rigorously so that I may obtain greater power.. And I will. No matter who I have to sacrifice and I'll bring her back to life, Orochimaru brought up a jutsu I could use but I said no simply because I want her alive not as a puppet.

This power that I got when I seen her die in front of me.. I'll master it one day. Once I revive her.. I'm going to destroy the World and make it rain blood and make their laughter into screams and agony! Hahahahahahahaa!!!

A month has now passed and my mind still thinks of Yuuki.. Asura Yuuki. She has a purpose in life and be damned if I don't let her keep the life she deserves. 

I'm infatuated with her that I can't let her go no matter how hard I try. I've always been alone deep down in my subconscious. Just because I had friends, an adopted father doesn't mean anything - I lost everything important to me a long time ago. Deep down though I really wanted to believe... Believe I could become happy again with them. But in Reality nothing happens the way we all think it will. We are follow a cycle - where that cycle leads us.. who knows. But one day.. Hehee.. I'll make everyone pay.

It has been two months. I made a grave for Yuuki outside our hideout, I visit periodically to murmur she will be revived sooner or later.

**End of Flashback**

Those memories flooded through my head - which gave me a headache. I headed to my bedroom to get sleep. 'Soon.. I'll become powerful.' I say to myself and then drift into a dark nightmare that forever will continue to haunt me till I die..

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