Chapter VI: Land of Waves

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(I plan on doing the story from here on out without mention First/Third POV, It bothers me some. I'll do something else to let you know who's talking and all.. Thank you! X3)

"Let's go!" I shouted, "What are you so excited about Naruto?" the pinkette muttered annoyingly.

I looked all directions "Cause I've never left the Village before!!" "Hey am I really going to be safe with this brat!?" the old geezer shouted, his name is Tazuna and man, does he make me mad!

"Haha... Well, I am a Jounin, don't worry." Kakashi told the old geezer, hmph! This geezer is the worst client ever, I should give him a shot to the face. I started shouting "Hey, old man!! Don't mess with Ninjas! I'm incredible!!" after what I shouted with confidence someone snickered and when I looked over it was Tsukiyomi "Yeah, a idiot like you becoming Hokage? Hahaha!" Deep down it hurt but I know she cares.. she's hiding it with cruel words and a cruel personality.

Tch, that blonde idiot really pisses me off sometimes, after a sigh escape my lips I looked around my surroundings to find if there is anything intriguing to focus on to get my mind busy. Half an hour of walking and I saw a puddle, funny I don't remember it raining yesterday or today for that matter.. Something is suspicious but my Oto-san broke me out of my thoughts by grasping my shoulder gently while giving me a look of 'be prepared' and I took that as we were about to have trouble..

I didn't expect to lose someone again.. Two ninjas had my Oto-san chained that connected onto their wrists like fanged claws and I saw the look in his eyes the fear I felt right after they ripped his entire body into pieces before my eyes. 

I was scared, so very scared of being alone without a parent again I.. cannot go through this again! My body moved on its own the moment I seen them behind Naruto "Two down." one of them whispered, as I appeared above them they took notice and I slammed both my foots onto their heads bringing them down, then I gain some balance so I land on the ground with my feet and grabbed the blonde idiot  and pushing him behind me while he fell on his butt.

The two ninjas came around me causing the chains to wrap around me with ease, Sasuke who started appearing in front of one of them punched the ninja in the face causing him to growl in anger but they caused the chains to get tighter on me but one of them went after Naruto who wasn't so far from me and he froze up like he wasn't going to live and that is when the raven haired boy landed on top of the mans hand and kicking him away from the idiot, "Are you scared, Scaredy Cat?" this caused him to snap out of his frozen state and look depressed with himself for being so scared of combat.

The two brotherly ninjas broke their chains and one dashed at Naruto eventually cutting his cheek with his claws that possessed poison, while the other went towards Tazuna the bridge builder, Sakura took defensive position in front of the guy as this ninja swung his claws towards the pinkette but Kakashi appeared out of nowhere grasping both the ninjas in his arms effortlessly without having to do much. Now they're tied to a tree glaring at each and every one of us as if we're dead if they have the tiniest way to get out of their bindings.

Kakashi looked at Tazuna in a dark glare "Tazuna-san.. we need to talk." those words made the old geezer shiver apparently but before he got to do anything of the sort I tackle hugged him as tightly as I could releasing tears on his Jounin Jacket so only he knew of my tears leaking down my cheeks, he decided to hold me close to him while he began his talk with the old man "These guys are Chuunin Class-Ninjas from the Hidden Village of Mist. They are Ninjas known to keep fighting.. no matter what." and the old geezer chipped in, "Then why did you let the brats fight if you knew that?" Tazuna asked, "If I had wanted I could have killed these two instantly, but... There was something I needed to find out... Who the target these two were after." The bridge builder looked like he knew what really was going on "What do you mean?" Kakashi sighed, "Meaning... Were they after you, or one of us? We haven't heard that there were Shinobi's after you. Our mission was to simply protect you from Thieves or Gangs. This has now become a B Rank-Mission."

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