Chapter X: Meeting Hayate Gekko & Yugao Uzuki

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Uchiha Tsukiyomi POV

The sun light shines through the window where the uchiha girl is sleeping, and as it gets brighter it reaches her eyes which then slowly begin to open "Hehe.. The morning hates me.." the Uchiha Girl yawned softly like an angel.

She slowly walked into the bathroom where her shower is and tossed her clothes onto the ground an got inside turning on the water as it sprayed down onto her small figure '..Mmmm This feels nice.' she thought. Now turning the water off , she slid the shower door open thus placing her feet onto the ground floor while grasping the towel in her right hand and began to dry herself off as she now felt rejuvenated from a nice cold shower.

Now that she is dried and clean, she got on her Ninja Outfit an opened her door to leave and shut it from behind her.

Now walking the Konoha Streets - looking around to see what she wanted to eat today. When she accidentally bumped into someone and fell on her butt "Ouch!" she muttered "Sorry miss" he reached his hand out to her "Thank you" she said an grabbed his hand as he pulled her up and the two smiled at one another but her smile was fake nonetheless. He was a Jounin from the looks of it "My name is Hayate Gekko" he mentioned as he took a glance at the small figure in front of him, "may I ask what your name is?" she nodded "Tsukiyomi Uchiha." he smiled when a woman stood beside him, a girl with purple hair.

The young female uchiha fake smiled at the strong-looking woman in front of her "What is your name?" this caught the woman off-guard but answered nonetheless "Yugao Uzuki, it's a pleasure little Uchiha." this formed an irk on the forehead of the Female Uchiha "Little.. Why are you judging me because of my height?!" this made the two Jounin's laugh at her outburst. But she looked at the male, Hayate, sternly for he had a sword behind his back which caught her interest in this Jounin in front of her "Teach me some jutsu's or styles with the Sword!" this had the two looking serious now and asked why she would need such skills "I love Swords, Katana's. and Odamachi's too!" the man smiled with a small chuckle an agreed, now heading to a secret spot that these two Jounin's use on the two's spare time.

... Five Days Later..

The Female Uchiha has come to enjoy the presence of Hayate and Yugao. Today the Male Jounin had something he needed to do alone at nighttime. Of course, Yugao begged as did Tsukiyomi.. Hayate was like another father-figure to her, and Yugao like a mother, she wanted to watch their smiles forever, if she could. The memories of training with these two awesome people.. just brings slight tears to her eyes, nonetheless she avoids showing to much emotions when she can. She, as in Tsukiyomi, began to remember her training...

*** Five Days Ago...***

I remember how serious these two acted towards me because of my interest in Swordsmanship. After all, I am only 12 but that shouldn't matter - not to me anyways.

The man before me stood as a proud ninja while unsheathing his sword "Are you sure about this?" he asked.

My eyes were like a a bottomless abyss as I looked at him in the eyes. He knew my answer right away as a sword was thrown the direction of my figure; catching it effortlessly in my right hand; we both ran towards one another.

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