Chapter Twenty-Seven

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[Chapter Twenty-Seven: Wristbands]

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[Chapter Twenty-Seven: Wristbands]

   It was an entire week before Aspen started to feel better. For seven whole days she was bedridden, sneezing her brains out, and sleeping. She slept for seventy-five percent of the seven days. Restlessly, however, Lily promised she'd do her work which made her feel bad for multiple reasons. Lily would be doing her work while Aspen would be sleeping.

Aspen was now silently getting ready in her dorm room. It was only five in the morning, her best friend Wendy was still asleep in the comforts of her own bed. Aspen was excited to get back to school, if the students didn't miss her—then one of the Professors had too. Her ankle was completely healed, the day after she left the hospital wing it was like nothing was even wrong with it. Wasn't magic amazing? It could heal a broken bone, but not cure the flu . . .

Pulling herself out of her thoughts, she groaned when she brushed her hair. It was in knots due to it not being brushed in a day or two, but once she was finished it was as fresh as new. She was in her uniform, there wasn't even a wrinkle in it due to her continuously ironing it. For some reason, it was hot outside, well not hot . . . but slightly warmer than usual. It was mid-December, she should be freezing her nonexistent balls off, not sweating whenever she put on a small sweater.

Due to the unusual warmth throughout Hogwarts, she couldn't wear anything long-sleeved without sweating like a dog or getting odd looks from every sane person in the castle. So instead of wearing a sweater to cover her arms, she had to wear her wristbands. She hadn't worn them in a while, —hopefully no one would notice them too much. Especially not Sirius or the boys . . . didn't they once call the 'wristband-wearing girl' a psychopath?

On her right wrist she wore four different wristbands, three of them were from muggle bands while the fourth was from some automobile company. She barely knew where most of her wristbands came from, she was just desperate for them. Whenever she found one, she kept it without any questioning as to what it was for. On her left wrist, she wore six of her wristbands, that wrist was the most scar-riddled limb she had. She placed on a few Beatles wristbands as well as one Queen — two very popular bands that day in age.

Maybe some time later in life they'd be worth something.

Once she was ready, she stood up off of the ground in glee. She actually looked good today, her makeup covered her eye bags— which was great because those things were huge. And then her wristbands, which for some reason didn't flaw her appearance that much, like they normally did, covered all her scars. Great!

Plus, her scars didn't look so bad recently—she'd been clean since her sixth year!

Aspen continued to quietly walk over to her bed where her textbooks sat, and lifted them into her arms. The weight surprised her . . . why did it surprise her? She'd been carrying her books around like that for seven years, she really needed to get a book bag— like the muggles that lived around her neighborhood. Her old neighborhood. Before leaving her dorm, she gave one last look towards Wendy . . . should she wake her up? The night before she wasn't there, Aspen tried to stay up as long as she could but she couldn't make it. It was probably around four in the morning when she heard the girl entering the dorm—she was with Remus the whole time.

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