Chapter 36

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Chapter 36: Our Completed Story

6 years later

"I'm home!!" I yelled. I left Thomas with Tamika and Tommy all alone for a couple of hours since I have a little recording to do and some grocery shopping.

Tamika and Tommy, my five year old twins, run towards me. "MOMMY!!!" they yelled in unison, I kneeled and opened my arms wide as they hugged me. "How are my little T twins doing?" I grinned.

"We've fine mommy" Tamika replied with a giggle. In fact, they were both giggling. I raised my eyebrow, "what's so funny, loves?" I asked, standing and putting a hand on my waist.

"Nothing" Tommy giggled. "So where is our presents??" Tamika asked childishly, I rolled my eyes as I pulled out a book she always wanted to read, Little Red Riding Hood.

Before she could grab it, I pulled away "whats the magic word?" I grinned. Tamika giggled, "thank you?" she said as a question rather than a statement, I gave her the book before she ran off.

"What about mine, mommy?" Tommy pouted. I giggled and ruffled his messy light brown hair, I handed him a shiny red ball he always wanted. "Thank you, mummy!!" he cheered as he ran away with the ball, falling over in the process.

"IM OKAY!!!" he said in a cute squeaky voice as he ran upstairs. I laughed, kids.. Cute. "WAIT!!!" I yelled, making both of them stop in their tracks.

"Where's your father?" I asked. They both looked at each other, smirking evilly, before looking at me with innocent smiles. "Nowhere" they said in unison before continuing to run upstairs.

I ignored it and went to the kitchen to clean some dishes, when I heard laughing. I raised an eyebrow and headed upstairs to the twins' room. I saw Thomas tied up in a chair, being tickled by our children.

"Where are the cookies?!" they asked.... Wait... Are those my highlighters? On his shirt? Man, I thought my kids good. I'm so proud to be their mother, my children already know how to prank like a boss without me or Thomas demonstrating it.

They tickled Thomas who was struggling on the chair, "I don't know!!! I don't bloody know!!! Your mom doesn't even let me know where she put the frying pan!!" he said, laughing.

"TELL US!!!" Tamika giggled, "STOP, PLEASE!!!" Thomas laughed. "NOT UNTIL YOU TELL US WHERE THE COOKIES ARE!!!" Tommy yelled, laughing too.

I shook my head with a smile. I can't even leave them alone for a couple of hours without them fighting over cookies, I whistled as loud as I could, making their attention turn to me.

"Kids, what are you doing?" I laughed, crossing my arms. "Daddy wouldn't give us any cookies! Like always" Tamika pouted. "And we want cookies!!!" Tommy grumbled, giggling under his breath.

"I bloody told you that I don't know where they are!! I told you two repeatedly, and like always, you wouldn't listen!" Thomas grumbled under his breath. "Look what they did to me!" he whined childishly.

"Thomas sometimes you're more of a brother figure than a father, you know that?" I giggled, he rolled his eyes and huffed. "LIAR!!!" Tamika yelled before both of them were back to tickling their oh-so poor father.

"NOOOOOO, PLEASE!!!" Thomas begged as he began to struggle again while laughing. "Your mother won't tell me where she put the cookies! She never tell me where she put stuff!" he explained as he laughed hysterically.

"Hey kiddos, what about you go to the kitchen and we could make some delicious Oreo chocolate chip cookies together!!" I exclaimed, making a clap with my hands once.

They cheered before ditching Thomas and ran immediately downstairs with a battlecry. I laughed at how cute these little guys are, I never knew that having children would be a pain in the ass and adorable at the same time... This is so not like raising Joash when he was a little monster.

"Angel?" Thomas said out of nowhere when they were gone. I looked at him with a smile, "yes?" I asked. "Untie me, love" he said with a sigh. "Nah" I shrugged.

"Please?" he begged. "Nope" I giggled, preparing to go down stairs. "Oh come on Angel!!" he begged desperately, pouting. "fine you big baby" I said, walking behind him to untie the rope.

"Thank you, darling" he said. "Where did they get the rope anyways?" I asked, "Tamika made it from the yarn you always keep in your drawers when you want to make a rug because you were bored" he explained.

"How does she know I have yarn there? I never told her before" I said, scratching my head. "I honestly don't know myself love, they even took my Star Wars cap from the shelf. Don't even ask me how Tommy managed to climb ontop of a 150 centimeter shelf" he said.

I laughed as he stood. "How did this happened? I swear I couldn't leave you alone for a couple of hours without you being their victim" I chuckled. "I don't even know, love" he said, shrugging.

"Alright, now go downstairs and help the kids make some cookies" I said, giggling. "No thanks" he grinned. "I guess I'll just have to let them tickle you" I smirked.

"COMING, KIDS!!" he yelled, running downstairs, making me laugh at their ridiculousness. Thomas is a great father. I have the most kindest husband, the sweetest kids and a great life.

Sure I had pain here and there through most of my life but nothing really matters anymore. As long as Thomas, Tamika and Tommy are happy with what they have... I'm happy.

I guess this is the complete end of my story. My life is officially complete, I hope nothing will ever tear my family apart. I know nothing will.


past participle of forget.
synonyms:unremembered, out of mind, past recollection, beyond/past recall, consigned to oblivion; 


an intense feeling of deep affection.

a person or thing that one loves.
"she was the love of his life"
synonyms:beloved, loved one, love of one's life, dear, dearest, dear one, darling, sweetheart, sweet, angel, honey;

PS. Sherlyn and Ki Hong moved to the Maldives to raise a baby girl

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