The Karaoke Night

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Niall's POV:

I woke up and I found myself tangled in between the sheets and Harry at the same time. I try to get up and I struggle a bit at first but I manage to remove his body from mine.

I just need some time to think. I know Harry wasn't crying because of some project. Why couldn't he tell me? Is it something I did?

I never want to be the one to break his precious heart. He means the world to me.

I guess we're staying in today. I promised I would help him clean and I don't really mind. At least I get to spend some time with him.

I hear footsteps approaching. "Hey Ni. How long have you been awake?" He says rubbing his eyes a bit, trying to adjust to the lighting.

"A couple of minutes ago"

"Do you want breakfast. I'll make English!" His eyes lit up a bit and a smile was tugging at his lips. He loves to cook.

"Sure. Can I help?"

"Yep. Could you get 4 eggs from the fridge, please? Oh and the sausages out of the freezer too."

"Here" I say handing him the things.

After about 30 minutes of cooking and washing the plates, we sit down to eat the breakfast we made.

"Delicious. Good job, Chef Horan"

" Chef Horan? You did most of the work"

"We worked together, Mr Horan. We make a good team."

"That we do" 

He switches on the tv and we watch some news. As soon as we're done from the breakfast, we start cleaning.

He grabs his JBL and a couple of mops, garbage bags, dusters, wet cloths and some other things.

We start by picking up any tissues and cups that the guests threw around the house. We also wiped all the tables and dusted the furniture. As we were sweeping the floor, I heard Harry singing and an idea popped up in my head.

It took about 2 hours to clean his house but it looks perfect now.

"Hey H. I got an idea"

"Really? What is it?"

"I heard you sing earlier and..." he hides his face in his hands with embarrassment.

"Sorry you had to hear that. I just get carried away"

"Oh no. Your singing is incredible and so it got me thinking. I know this small lounge where you can drink, relax and sing. There's a karaoke machine and everything. I want to take you out tonight. What do you say?"

"Yes. Thanks, Niall. But do I have to sing?"

"You don't have to but I want you to sing.. with me"

"I'm flattered Ni" he pulls me into a tight hug.

"I should really go now H."

I leave the house with a smirk on my face. I know tonight's gonna be great. It's always great when it's with Harry. I just like him so much.

Harry: What time are we going?

Niall: I'll pick you up at 8

Harry: Laters baby

Niall: Later x

At 7 I start styling my hair and shaving my stubble. I want to look good even though Harry wouldn't mind. 

I think I look quite good. I go for the casual but dressy outfit which (for me) is:

Skinny black jeans

Black Vans



(What Narry wore is attached on top ;))

Niall: I'm leaving the house now. Be there in about 10 xx

Harry: Can't wait! x

I just love everything about him. Especially, the way he always signs his texts with an x at the end. It's cute or at least I think so.

I take off in my amazing car, not to brag but it's pretty awesome especially since Harry gave it to me.

I park in front of his house and honk the horn a bit.

"Hey Ni" He shouts waving from his doorstep. He switches off the light and locks his door, slipping his phone and keys into his back pockets.

He looks amazing as usual. I can never compete with this man. He's wearing a gorgeous shirt with a yellow flower on his collar and he's even wearing grey glittery converse.

"Nice kicks" I say pointing to his shoes.

"Thanks" He seems a bit nervous but I'm not. I'm comfortable around him.

"What's wrong H?" He just looks away but after a while, he starts being his normal bubbly self so I just let it go.

We grab 2 beers and a seat as get there. It's one of the best places on Earth and Harry seems to agree. "Duos competition" We hear a loud voice say over the microphone. I know who the guy is. I've known him for a couple of years. We're good friends.

"Niall" I just open my mouth a bit and stare like everyone was doing at me. "You and your date. Yes, you. You're up against Kendall and Andrew."

Harry and I just look at each other. I honestly wanna do it. The prize is 2 flight tickets to Cheshire. I know that Harry was born there and that they have a lake house there. His eyes light up when the prize is mentioned.

We run up to the stage and Kendall and Andrew sing first. They sing a cover of Jar of Hearts. It was pretty good even though they were a bit off sometimes.

"Give it up for Kandrew. Next up are Narry" Yeah, I know. We had to give them a group name and we just said the first thing that popped into our minds. It has a ring to it. I kinda like it.

"They'll be singing a song called AM by One Direction" (In this story One Direction aren't One Direction)

We start singing the song and I could see Harry looking at me from the corner of my eyes. We all have a short break before being called up on stage again.

"2 tickets to Cheshire go tooooo... Narry! Congrats guys" He jumps on me and I laugh it out and cheer us on. I'm kind of proud. We sure make a good team.

We hang around a bit longer before I drive Harry home and myself too. I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling. I guess Harry and I are going on a trip very soon!

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