In The End

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I was driving, one hand on the wheel with the other and in my lap tapping mindlessly to a song stuck in my brain. My iPhone then chose that moment to ring in the passengers seat beside me. I looked at the ID number, then picked it up and answered.

"Hello," I said.

"When are you getting here? Dave's already here and so am I ," Drew said from the other line. I turned onto a neighborhood street.

"Be there in about twenty minuets," I told him.

"Ill believe it when I see it," he said laughing. I laughed and hung up.

Fifteen minutes later, I pulled into the driveway where Drew and Dave sat inside and open garage next to some things of Coca Cola. I killed the engine and got out.

The day was cold, but nothing i wasn't used to. The sun was barely there, but it was there, behind a veil of clouds. Honestly, the cold made me appear paler then I was, which was still pale. I didn't care, though.

"You're early, for once!" Drew exclaimed, tossing me a can of Coke. I rolled my eyes.

"Says the guy who's always ten to thirty minutes late every other day," Dave said, kicking Drew playfully in the foot. I laughed and sat down with them. Dave looked over at me. "So, when do we start practicing?"

"I don't know, man. I mean, the gig isn't till next Saturday, and we've been practicing all week," I sad, taking a drink from my Coke.

"Anyone else wanna go to the mall? I know I just sounded like a total chick but I want some food court McDonalds and Hot Topic," he said. Dave nodded and I got up with my keys.

"Sounds good," I said. "Let's go."

"I call shotgun!" Drew yelled. Dave groaned quietly.

"Dammit," he muttered.

I drove us all to the mall and we first headed toward the food court. With a quick knowing look to the guys, I dived for the cheese pretzel stand And then the McDonalds, before I sat down at a circular table with the guys. I took a drink of my Mountain Dew when Drew made an annoyed whine.

"Oh great," he dragged. I looked up to see a prep and her jock boyfriend approach our table. I was sure they went to school with us, but I didn't care.

"Hey, when did the freak-show come to town?" the guy said, sneering at me. I ate a fry.

"This morning. You completely missed the special show," I said sarcastically.

"What was the act, you doing some of that emo demon-screaming?" the girl spat.

So apparently, these two and some other assholes from school came to one of my band and I's gigs, only to attack me the next day with more of their usual shit. We mostly played cover songs, and did one or two of our own, in which I scream-sang, along with the other cover songs that required screaming. Apparently it was 'emo' and 'freakish' and stuff like that.

"Yup," Dave said hard, looking at her. She gave him a pained look.

"Ugh, were leaving. We don't wanna hang out with you freaks anyway," she spat, looking a me. Drew shrugged, and so did I.

"Cool," I muttered, munching on a bite of my cheeseburger.

"Emo freak," the jock laughed at me. "All of you are freaks."

"Thank you," I said with sour-sweetness. They turned and walked away.

"Good riddance," Dave huffed. I nodded.

"Hot Topic, anyone?" Drew said, hopefully. We all got up, threw away our trash and headed in the direction of one of our favorite stores.

We all went it together. I went over to where they kept all the band shirts. They had some new ones out, a new Black Veil Brides one and Misfits. I got one of each and bought a new nose ring. I had plain silver nose ring, similar to the one Andy Biersack has, and I was soon to be getting snake-bites. We all checked out at the counter, had a conversation with the girl who knew our band And had a crush on Dave. He gave her a kiss on the cheek and she got a hug from all of us before we left.

They both went into some other store while I went and got a plain black beanie, and getting them each one too, 'cause they asked me to. I sat down on a bench, waiting for them, and pulled out my phone. I plugged my earphones in and put them in my ears and put my playlist onto shuffle, then turned it up All the way and leaned against a wall across from the store where the guys were in. I was tapping my foot to the beat of the song that was on, when the two guys I was waiting for finally came out from their store. Then we left out one of the main doors and headed back to my car.

The drive back was about twenty minutes and once we were back we started to practice. We did some covers of Avenged Sevenfold, The Misfits, Metallica, Black Veil Brides, some Green Day and then we did a few of our own songs before we called it night. It wasn't late, only Bout like six. So we went inside and watched some movies and ate cold pizza.

"How about this one?" Drew asked desperately After holding up another movie after Dave and I had dissed the last thirteen he offered. We both studied the cover for a moment before nodding in sync. Drew threw his hands into the air dramatically, mouthing 'thank you' to the ceiling.

He put the movie on then sat on the arm chair opposite of me. Then movie started out kinda lame, but towards the middle it made up for itself.

"This isn't that bad," Dave halfheartedly complimented the movie. Drew shrugged. I just sat there watching it.

Once the movie ended it was about eight so I had to get home.

"I gotta go, its getting late," I said, getting up. Dave nodded.

"I'm crashing here, so," he told me. I made a face at him.

"You coming over to hang tomorrow ?" Drew I asked. I shrugged.

"I have work. I recently got a job at Hot Topic, so, I won't be home till three. You can come over to my place, though," I said. He nodded.

"See ya," Dave said, walking into the kitchen. I left out the front door and got into my car, started it them drove down the road.

Once I got home, I walked in and smelled food.

"Food!" I yelled, running into the kitchen. I know I just ate but who cares. Rebellion.

"Its lasagna," my mom told me, kissing my cheek. I stole a drink of root beer from the bottle before pouring a cup.

"Yummy," I told my mom, giving her a quick hug before throwing myself onto the living room couch. I was pretty sure my dad was asleep by now. And both my brothers had spent the night at a friends so, yeah.

I flipped on some cop show, and watched it with my mom while we ate. Then I gave her a hug goodnight and made my way up to my room. Tomorrow was Sunday and I had work. I worked on Sundays, Tuesdays and Wensdays.

Yawning, I yanked off my skinny jeans and curled into my bed, switching off my light and putting in my ear phones, and falling asleep with my music up all the way. I felt something warm at the bottom of my feet, a looked up in time to see my two dogs press their faces into my toes before laying down in the corner. They were weird, but cute.

I fell asleep quickly, which I usually did, most of the time.





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