Chapter Twenty Five

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Twenty Five:

I sat up on the couch and stared at the ten empty pizza boxes on the floor and sighed. My heart was so broken, I could feel the pieces stabbing my insides. I checked my phone. It was six o'clock. Why I got up that early, I didn't know.

I left the guys a note then went down to the lobby to get food. Once I was there, i finally noticed Heather. Making out with Mike. Of course.

I walked past her, ignoring her. Just what I needed. I heard her whisper something to Mike about leaving because now I was here, and they left. I bit on one of my lip rings and got some food, then ate it at a table with my earphones in. I had my music up all the way. And I was one of the only people here, at the moment. Except for an old couple.

Once I was done eating, I walked back upstairs. I reached in my pocket for my gum, but came up with nothing. Then my heart stopped in a painful silence when I remembered they were still in Dennis's room..

Ignoring the pain in my chest, I used my spare room key to quietly open the door to Dennis's room. I walked over to the dresser and quickly grabbed the pack of gum up. I looked over at Dennis still sleeping. He was still fully dressed, lip rings and nose ring, skinny jeans, shirt and jacket and shoes still on. He had circles under his eyes. I almost thought it looked like he was crying, but I brushed the thought away. I was so angry at hurt by him I could barely look at him. I noticed he also held a cigarette lighter in his hand.

He started smoking again? I thought to myself, but then shook my head. What do I give a fuck. I left the room angrily. Quietly, but still angry.

I hurt so bad, now. I could feel the heart ache, physically. I could feel it both physically and mentally. I went back to the guys' and my room. Jake was awake now, and playing xbox. I grabbed a controller and joined in. We woke the rest of the guys up with our yelling.

Dennis's P.O.V.

I woke up groggy, rubbing my eyes. They still burned. I bit on a sore bottom lip. I chewed on my lip a lot when I cried, which wasn't often. I sighed and set my lighter back on the dresser. I noticed that Jay's pack of mint gum she chewed during shows to keep her throat from getting dry, was gone. It was there last night... she probably came in and took it.

My heart throbbed at the thought that she had been in the same room with me after the... incident...

I felt enraged. I punched the bed as hard as I could. This was all Misty's fault! And partly mine, too... Now that I thought about it, if I hadn't even talked to Misty, none of this would of happened and I would be asleep right now, holding Jay in my arms. Her hair smelled like hair dye and hairspray, and I loved the smell.

I walked out onto the balcony, grabbing up my lighter and pack of Marlboro Reds that I bought last night before I came back up here. I took a cigarette out and lit it, and took a deep drag on it. Then blew out. It made my chest hurt.

I knew I shouldn't have smoked again. I knew it would kill me. But I guess I didn't really care anymore. I numbly looked over the tops of restaurants underneath the balcony. I looked over at one that I took Jay to dinner at once. I bought her dinner and dessert, and then we ended up making out behind the tree in front, and held hands down the street all the way home.

I took another drag from my cigarette and sighed deeply.


Jay's P.O.V.

I followed the guys down to the lobby. While walking down, I just so happened to run into Mike.


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