Chapter Twenty Four

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Twenty Four-

I rolled over, rubbing my eyes. I was face to face with Dennis. His eyes opened and he smirked, then poked my face.

"Morning, beautiful," he smiled. He leaned over and kissed my nose, then pulled me out of bed with him.

"Morning," I said and gave him a kiss. Then I rubbed my eyes and looked at the ceiling.

"Dude. Three hour long band practice today. And we're setting up the stage, too," I said. Dennis wrapped his arms around me and kissed my neck.

"Then you better go get ready," he muttered. He pulled my face up to his and kissed me deeply, before letting me go take a shower and get dressed.

After I showered, I dried off and pulled on black skinny jeans, a Black Veil Brides shirt, my Misfits belt and my converse High Tops. I straightened and teased my hair, put on some light eyeliner and put in my two black stud snake bites and my silver nose ring. I stepped out of the bathroom to let Dennis use it. He kissed me briefly then went in to get ready.

I packed up my note book and lyric note book into a black book bag and slung it into both shoulders. Once Dennis was ready, we grabbed out keys, room keys, and left.

We were walking side by side down the hall towards the lobby where the guys waited. Dennis was happily holding my hand. He pulled it up to his face and gave me a small kiss on the back of my hand before we got onto the elevator.

"You're adorable," I chuckled, leaning up to give Dennis a quick kiss.

"Nah," he smiled.

"Yes the hell you are," I said seriously, tightening my grip on his hand. We both laughed lightly and got off the elevator when the doors opened. We walked out into the lobby to Drew, Dave and Jake.

"Hey fuckers! Has anyone heard from Heather lately?" I asked. She's been missing for two days.

"No, and I'm concerned," Dave muttered. Jake shrugged and we all walked out, Drew following behind.

We all got into our cars, Dennis riding with me, and headed for the studio. Once we got there, we unloaded all of our equipment that wasn't already set up and went in to practice.

We went over our set list twice, fooled around, practiced some random songs then went over the set list one last time and helped put up stage amps before we were done. Afterwards, we all decided we were going to go to the Amusement Park.

"I wanna ride of the fucking roller coaster!" I cried like a child. Jake joined in with me.

"Me too! Hey, do any of you bastards know where the food is?" he asked.

"Oooh food," I said dreamily.

Drew pointed towards the entrance. "A little ways walk after the ticket booth."

"Woo! Let's go!" I exclaimed. Dennis grabbed me up then threw me into his back, piggy-back style. I got a piggy-back ride the whole way to the ticket booth.

"Five all-rides tickets please," I asked from atop Dennis's shoulders. The chick behind the booth gave me a weird look then handed the tickets to us.

"Here you go...." she said, looking up at me with a freaked out look.

"Thanks," we all said.

Dennis and everyone else, we headed for the entrance. I heard the chick behind the booth say "freaks", as Dennis walked off with me on his back. I rolled my eyes.

We went on every ride that was there. Right now, we were on the biggest roller coaster there. Dennis was in the seat beside me, Drew and Jake were in the two behind us, and Dave sat all alone. He leaned back in his seat, looking bored. But once the ride started he got tenser. I chuckled.

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